Safe (Luke Wright)

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Third person pov

(Y/n) was waiting in the train station to go home, she just attended her brothers funeral and was now alone. Dry tears stain her face as she stairs at the empty tracks, negative thoughts started filling her mind, telling her to do unspeakable things. They were tempting for sure, but she tried to fight them, until she saw a man also waiting like her. Though as she studied his figure he was standing way too close to the edge to be waiting to get ON the train.

An idea came to her and she decided to do it, she would try to get him not to do it but if she went out with him, she felt nothing was lost.

Standing up the (hair color) walked over to the sad man, she stood beside him and gingerly grabbed his hand, holding it in hers. The man looked at her with wide eyes, but saw the hurt written on her face as she watched her feet.

(Y/n) and the man stood there holding hands, the train came and went but nether of them moved an inch. Finally (y/n) turned to walk away pulling the man behind her, when he didn't protest she lead him to a hotel. She bought a room with two beds, once in the room she ordered a pizza and laid down on the bed she claimed.

Reckless. This was so reckless. But she couldn't bring herself to care, he needed someone and she was there. Now she was just tired and hungry, and by the looks of him he hadn't had a nice meal in a while or a shower for that matter. Pulling out her wallet she handed the man the pizza money.

"I'm going to go buy some clean clothes for us, that's for the pizza." Then she walked out the door.

Luke looked down at the money in his hand as he sat on the bed, why did he go with her? She'll be dead before she can make it back and it was his fault. The pizza arrived but he could bare to eat it, not without her. He laid back on the bed closing his eyes wishing the world would just stop and let him catch up.

The door opened but he could care less about who it was, hoping someone had come to kill him.

"You didn't start without me?" (Y/n) asked seeing the pizza sitting untouched, the man sat up in confusion.

"Your not dead?" (Y/n) chuckled and threw some clean clothes at him.

"It's going to take more then a few Russians to take me down." Shoving a slice pizza into her mouth at the end, "I'm (y/n) by the way." The man smiled at her, amused by the way she said it so casually. She offered him some pizza, which he gratefully accepted.

"Luke, Luke Wright."

"Nice to meet you Luke." She held out her hand asking for a hand shake, Luke shook it gently and grabbed another piece of pizza.

"You too."

This was going to be the best friendship EVER!

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