Mechanic (Arthur Bishop)

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(Thought I'd try something a lil different - the art above is (mostly) mine - I know its not the best but it was fun to do - let me know what you think and if I should do another!)

You have been living with Bishop and helping him on missions for a few years now, the story of how you met can only be described as fate in your mind.

*Flash back*

After Bishop had saved Gina's life he followed her around everywhere, he was a love sick puppy and she used that to get what she wanted. When he finally realized she had lied about loving him, it tore him apart and he ran. Nobody could have found him, even if they'd wanted to. Bishop had gone invisible.

Months later, Arthur was in a bar just having a good drink and someone recognized him. Bishop was unaware of this discovery, or the gun pointing at his head from a few seats back. That's where you come in, you were on a mission and had stoped for a quick drink, when you saw the gun you reacted on instinct. In less then a second a small knife was embedded into the side of the persons head. Blood splattered onto a few girls and they started screaming which caused the whole bar to start panicking, all but Arthur who was looking around for whoever had saved him.

When his eyes met yours, you felt your heart flutter for the first time in ages. He walked towards you with strong strides and pinned your smaller body against the wall.

"How did you find me?" He asked angered thinking he had someone after him already, you raised your brow making no move to struggle out of his 'warm' grip.

"Wasn't looking for you hon, just stopped by to grab a quick drink before doing some business. That's all." The grip on your shoulders loosened slightly as his eyes softened from anger,

"Guess I own you a favor then." Bishop pulled out a card from his pocket and smoothly slid it into yours, then he turned around and left. You didn't see him again until you needed that favor, a mechanic was out to get you and you needed a place to hide. Arthur wasn't elated about having someone there with him but he had given his word and intended on keeping it.

*Back to the present*

"Going for a swim." You called out over your shoulder as you jogged through the sand to get to the clear water. Unfortunately the mechanic had found you but Arthur killed him and decided to move, what surprised you is Bishop had asked if you wanted to come with him. When you said yes, he actually smiled, now the two of you live on a small-warm, uninhabited island. It's not the far from the mainland and is very beautiful, perfect for a honeymoon.... or retirement, whichever comes first, you thought.

Bishop didn't want to admit it but he really enjoyed your company, he watched as you ran towards the water before diving in. He felt a strange heat raise to his cheeks as he watched you come out of the water, the sun shining on your beautiful body as you laid on the sand to soak up some sunshine. He was so captivated by you he knocked over your small chest you kept you important stuff in, he hoped you hadn't hear his string of swears as he picked everything up. The last item on the floor made him falter in his movement to pick it up.

A small sketch book lay open on he floor but it was the picture that had him unmoving, Arthur knelt down to get a closer look to make sure he wasn't seeing thing wrong. A well detailed drawing of himself sipping his morning tea by the window, curiosity getting the better of him, he reached forward and gently turned the page. Mouth falling ajar at the sight of another drawing of him, but this one of him with his swim suit half way on and his chest glistening with water droplets from the ocean.

Picking the little book up Bishop kept looking at pictures, occasionally he would find one of a bird or beautiful scenery but 99% of the drawings were of him. Though he was startled out of his concentration but your panicked squeal,

"Your not supposed to be looking at that!" Your voice came out higher then it should have, you ran over to him and tried to snatch the book from his hands, when he held it above you head, you pouted. "Give it back." Bishop sighed and handed you the little book, you quickly took it back cradling it to your chest, your cheeks burned red as you looked in to his eyes. "How much did you see?"

Bishop smiled, "Enough." Your head fell in embarrassment, your brain working overtime to come with excuses for having so many drawings of him. A light kiss on your cheek brought you back to reality, Arthur stood back up straight with a waiting expression. You looked into his eyes and saw hope, excitement, and .... fear. You didn't know if it was fear of rejection or if he was scared to fall in love again.

Instead of answering him with words, you slowly stepped closer to him and leaned your head on his chest bringing your arms up around his torso. It was not demanding Incase he wanted to back out but it was definitely open to more, if it was wanted. A sigh left your lips when his arm slowly made their why around your waist, he gently pulled you against him for a tighter embrace.

"I think I'm ready to try again." His warm whisper by your ear made your heart soar, you hugged him tighter in happiness, your smile was so big your cheeks started to hurt.

"Okay, you set the pace." You reassured him. Then his lips were on yours.

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