18|| Unspoken Words

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It was dark by the time the group got back to the motel. They had all spent the last few hours learning each other's powers so they could work better as a team.

Sophie couldn't help but find it ironic considering how out of sync her and Dick had become. Being back in Gotham reminded her what they're friendship used to be like. They had each other's backs no matter what. They trusted each other.

Sophie sighed as she closed the driver side door. The breeze blew through her denim jacket, sending a shiver down her spine. She shoved her hands in the pockets and made her way over to the others.

"Hey." She spoke before her brain could think of a million reasons not to. Everyone but the person she wanted to talk to, looked back at her. "We need to talk."

Dick's jaw clenched before he turned around to face her. His glare was cold, almost hateful. He had every right to be angry with her but she was tired of holding on to hers.

"Let's go inside." Rachel grabbed Gar's sleeve and pulled him into the motel.

Kori stood there for a moment, looking between the two, silently accessing the situation before she went in as well.

Dick waited for the glass door to shut behind Kori before he let it all out. "Why the hell did you go back to Gotham?" He kept his tone steady but it did little to hide the anger in his voice.

"You tracked the car?" She honestly wasn't surprised, but a part of her did hope he would have trusted her more. "Of course you did. Look, I had business to be taken care of, ok?"

"Bullshit." Dick glared daggers right through her half truths. "You've been lying to me since I showed up at your door."

"You're kidding me right?" Sophie's lips parted in disbelief. "It's not like you've been too truthful yourself."

"That's not the point, Sophie." He snapped. "You lied, stole my car, and went back to Gotham. All because of some case you refuse to tell me about."

"It's none of your business!" She snapped before her shoulders fell. She didn't want to keep fighting like this. "Look." She dragged a hand over her face. "It's complicated, but it's my problem to deal with."

Dick's jaw twitched and he sighed heavily through his nose. "No, it's not. We're a team-"

"-We were a team." She cut him off before her brain could catch up to her mouth. She watched the way his eyes dropped. She knew he regretted leaving her but the anger she felt had a way of lingering.

"Look Dick." Sophie started again, forcing her voice to stay calm. "There's things I have to do alone, and this is one of them."

"Right." He scoffed. "Then why the hell did you come back?" He spat the words like venom.

Sophie flinched at the cold anger in his voice. She could handle him screaming, punching, cursing. But the way he spoke to her, and that look in his eyes, it was enough to break her heart.

"Because I made a promise to Rachel." She steeled her gaze, despite the softness of her voice. "To you, and I don't break promises."

Dick's eyes fell to the slush covered ground. She knew he was trying to stay calm, trying to meet her at this halfway point. But he was angry, and she couldn't ignore the fact that it was because of her.

"I'm sorry." The words came out as a broken whisper. "I won't pull that shit again, but only if you trust me enough to let me deal with this alone."

"Why should I?" He asked forcefully, his angry eyes meeting hers. "You haven't given me a reason to."

"This case I'm working on," Sophie spoke against her better judgement. "I thought I got the bad guy. I thought I had him put away for good but I was wrong. This is my case Dick. And I have Barbara's help if I need it."

His eyes rounded and his entire body relaxed. "You're working with Babs?" The anger in his voice completely disappeared and something else took its place.

Sophie pursed her lips into a straight line and nodded. "Yeah."

Dick's gaze faltered but his expression stayed stoic. A heavy silence began to form between them, not as tense as it had been, but simply heavy.

"So just trust me on this, ok?" She asked with pleading eyes.

Dick sighed through his nose before he met her gaze. "Stop lying to me." He said sternly.

"Yeah." She sighed heavily. "There's a lot of things that need to change between us."

"Just a few." Dick said quietly as his eyes turned to the wet cement.

Sophie stood there silently for a moment. She knew it was going to take more than one conversation to fix them. There were still so many things left unsaid. Things she should have told him before he left, and things she needed to say now. And it all stayed tied up in her throat, waiting to come out.

Her green eyes fell to the slush covered ground as she brushed past him towards the motel's door.

"Sophie," He called, stopping her before she could head inside. "I'm sorry I never called you after I left. I just, I never knew what I was supposed to say."

She glanced over her shoulder at him and forced her lips into a tight smile. "You could have started with a hello." She let her words hang in the air as she pulled open the glass door and went inside.

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