34|| Wayne Manor

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It was strange to be back in Gotham so soon after leaving it. Barely a week ago Sophie was standing at Barbara's door and saying goodbye, and now she was back in the cold grey city.

She knocked on Barbara's apartment door and waited patiently for her friend's warm greeting. She stood there waiting, fiddling with the strap of her duffle bag as a familiar nervousness twisted her stomach in knots.

Her head had been spinning since she parted ways with everyone. She couldn't shake the deep-seated worry that nagged at her, warning her that Rachel wasn't safe at all. But she was here, and standing in front of the wooden door a different kind of worry plagued here.

What if Barbara still had feelings for Dick? What if she just ruined years of friendship for having feelings she couldn't control?

The door latch clicked before it was pulled open. Barbara's green eyes widened the moment they landed on Sophie. Her coppery hair was pulled up in a messy bun and dark rimmed glasses rested on her nose.

She looked like a tired mess but her smile was as bright as ever.

"Sophie, hey!" Barbara greeted her happily.

"Hey. Sorry to just drop in." Sophie smiled but it didn't quite reach her eyes. Her thoughts were elsewhere.

"It's cool." Babs said as she stepped aside to let Sophie in. "I didn't think you'd be back so soon."

"Yeah, things just kind of worked out." Sophie shook away her rampant thoughts and walked into the comfortable apartment. "Long story short, we found Rachel's real mom. Her and the others are on their way to her house in Ohio."

"I thought you said her mom was dead." Babs asked as she walked past Sophie to her kitchen. She leaned against the island countertop and opened her laptop.

"Turns out she was adopted, more or less." Sophie dropped her bag by the door and walked over to Babs. "Did you get that file I sent you? I think Henry might be working out of Bludhaven."

Babs tapped away at the white keyboard. She quickly pulled up the file Sophie had sent her earlier that day.

"Got it." she said before flashing Sophie one of her 'i have an idea that you're not going to like' smiles. "But, it'd be a hell of a lot easier to use the bat-computer to find out where in Bludhaven he is."

Sophie narrowed her green eyes. "No it wouldn't be. You have access to all of the same equipment as Bruce."

"Yes, but I know you didn't visit the manor the last time you were here." She grabbed the laptop off of the island and brought it over to her messenger bag. She shoved the laptop into the bag before grabbing her coat. "Come on, they miss you."

"I talked to Jason a few days ago." Sophie groaned, earning a laugh out of Babs.

"You're avoiding them." She said with a knowing look in her green eyes.

Sophie dramatically rolled her eyes and walked over to Babs. "I'm not avoiding them."

"Great, because I can use the bat-computer to run a facial recognition scan using the surveillance cameras around Gotham and Bludhaven." Barbara faked a sweet smile.

"Fine." Sophie huffed. She would never admit it but a part of her was worried about seeing Alfred and Bruce. She feared that seeing them again would remind her of how much she missed them. And that would make it all the easier to convince her to stay.


Wayne Manor was always a sight to behold. Built of old stone and concrete. It loomed over the acreage it sat on, standing tall and proud like a symbol for Gotham. Driving up the long driveway always brought her the same feeling of awe as the first time Dick brought her here.

Barbara parked her car along the side of the building before she glanced over at Sophie. Sophie hadn't realized she had started to fidget until she heard Barbara's laugh.

"See, you are nervous."

Sophie flattened her palms against the top of her thighs and glared at Barbara. "I am not."

Babs playfully rolled her eyes before she got out of the car. Sophie shot one last glance up at the towering stone building before she got out of the warm car.

Gotham had gotten colder since she had last visited. There was a nip in the air and a thin layer of crisp snow covered everything. She followed Babs up the stone steps to the large wooden front door.

Barbara smiled over at Sophie before she clicked the doorbell. Sophie knew Barbara had a key and that she was just forcing Sophie to see whoever answered the door.

The minutes seemed to drag on forever before the latch clicked and the door opened. Sophie felt her nerves soar and fall all in a single second.

Alfred stood at the door. Dressed in his usual white button up and black dress pants. He looked from Barbara to Sophie and a calm smile tugged at his lips. "Ms. Gordon, Ms. Dane, welcome back."

"Hi." Sophie couldn't help but smile. "It's been awhile."

"Indeed, it has." Alfred gave a single nod.

"Hey Alfred." Barbara smiled sweetly as her and Sophie entered the manor. "We need to borrow the computer."

"Of course." Alfred said as he closed the large front door and turned to face the two. "Master Wayne is currently in Metropolis and Master Todd is, somewhere. So the cave is all yours."

"Thanks." Barbara smiled.

Alfred nodded before he turned his attention to Sophie. "How have you been? Master Grayson told me you were working with him."

Sophie's brow furrowed. "You spoke to Dick? You know, nevermind." She quickly shook her head. She honestly didn't want to risk Alfred saying something that could reignite her anger towards Dick. "But yeah, I've been good."

Alfred smiled. "That's wonderful, though the manor has felt dull without you here."

Sophie smiled warmly. Just being back inside of these halls was all it took for her heart to start melting. She really missed this place and the people in it.

"How about I make some tea for you two." Alfred offered kindly.

"Yes please." Sophie said happily.

Barbara chuckled quietly. "That'd be amazing." She said before turning to Sophie. "Come on, we've got work to do."

Sophie turned to walk with Barbara down the foyer to the living room. The place hadn't changed at all since she had last been here. It still had the same old paintings and art pieces that had been hung long before she showed up. The newest things in the place were the large tv and leather couch.

It brought her back to the days when she'd come over after school only to blow off training and spend the evening watching tv with Dick. Those were simpler times.

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