29|| Science Experiment

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Every step echoed off of the cracked cement walls. Every breath reverberated through the pipes, and every second they wasted, the more Sophie's heart sank.

She walked behind Dick and Kori. The crystal in her hand illuminated the space around them better than any flashlight could. Subtle greens and purples shimmered off of the damp grey walls.

It was the only nice thing in the entire tunnel system.

"Take a left when we get to the end of the tunnel." Dick spoke quietly, his voice carrying reverberation off of the metal pipes on the walls.

Sophie cringed at the break in the silence. She only hoped no one else had heard him.

An eerie light seeped past the turn in the tunnel, casting a dull yellow glow in the hallway. Slowly a wheelchair rolled into view. A figure sat hunched over, their body was completely limp.

Shadows covered the person and the dull light behind them did little to help. Still the faded white and red of Gar's jacket stood out.

"Gar?" Dick called a little too loud for Sophie's liking.

"Don't worry." A woman's voice came from behind the group.

Sophie's shoulder tensed and she spun around. A woman in a doctor's coat walked quickly down the tunnel with three armed guards behind her.

"He's just taking a little nap." She stated.

"Guys." Kori said. Sophie glanced over her shoulder and her eyes landed on the three other guards standing around Gar.

She slowly closed her left hand into a fist and adjusted her hold on the crystal in her right. "Seven if we count the doctor. Just say the word." She whispered loud enough for only Dick and Kori to hear.

Kori took a step closer to Sophie, her fists closed like she was waiting for the chance to burn these people alive.

"We've got the girl too." The doctor spoke again.

Sophie's heart tightened in her chest and she clenched her jaw. She knew it was going to be risky if they chose to fight their way out of this but she wasn't sure what other options they had.

"I don't want to kill either of them." The doctor spoke as she walked closer. "But if you make a move I will give the order."

Kori quickly stepped forwards and raised her hand. Her eyes turned vibrant green and her hair started to glow.

"Kori wait." Dick grabbed her shoulder. She looked back at him with a confused glare. "Gas lines, you'll burn us all up." He said and motioned his flashlight at the gas line running along the wall.

Her jaw ticked as she lowered her arm and her eyes faded back to normal. It was becoming clearer and clearer that they were running out of options.

Sophie opened her hands letting the crystals evaporate into light. The doctor glanced over her shoulder at the guards and gave them a nod.

The three guards quickly made their way over, guns aimed at the groups chests. It took every ounce of strength Sophie had not to fight back when the guard in front of her pushed her head to the side.

She felt a needle press into her skin and fear took root in her heart. In her peripherals she could see Kori was being restrained by one guard as another gave her an injection, and Dick was on his knees. His brown eyes met hers before everything faded away.


Sophie sucked in a sharp breath as she jolted awake. Her eyes shot open but she was met by darkness. "What the fuck?" She scrambled to her feet.

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