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1 month later

"That's not happening." Sophie laughed as she tossed the worn black duffel bag next to the door.

"Come on Sophie. Bruce throws this party every year, it's a tradition." Babs smiled back at her friend. Her bright red hair was one large messy tangle from wearing her cowl and a fresh bruise was forming on her jaw. "And if I have to go to the New Year's gala, you do too."

Sophie pursed her lips and raised a brow. "I don't think that's how it works." She turned back to the coat rack and tossed her jacket onto it. "Besides, the last time I went to one of those gala's I nearly broke my ankle wearing those stupid heels."

Barbara began to laugh and Sophie found herself chuckling along.

A jarring buzz broke through the silence. It was the sound of a cell phone vibrating against glass.

The joyous laughter quieted and Barbara glanced back at the coffee table. "I've got it." She walked over to her phone and brought it to her ear. "Hello?"

Sophie finished shedding her outer clothes before she walked over to the suede sofa and flopped down. She mindlessly glanced up at Barbara.

Her brows were drawn together and her lips were pulled into a deep frown. She looked worried, and that worried Sophie.

"Babs?" She asked.

Barbara said nothing as she clicked the speaker button on her phone.

The distant sound of cars speeding across a wet road echoed through the line. There was a whistling sound in the background, like wind blowing through a tunnel. And then she heard it, the low, scared whimper of someone who was terrified.

Sophie's eyes widened and she looked up at Barbara. "Track the call."

Barbara nodded and jogged over to the kitchen island where she left her laptop. She connected a cord to her phone and laptop and ran a tracking program. It didn't take long for the signal to lock. The phone was located in an abandoned pool near the Gotham slums.

Babs grabbed the phone. "Stay put, help is on the way." She said before hanging up. She glanced back at Sophie, confusion and worry written across her face. Only a few people had the number to her phone, and all of them were people they both cared about.


The entrance of the old swimming pool was barely illuminated by the street lights just outside of the building. The old grey tiled walls were covered in graffiti and dirt crunched beneath Sophie's boots.

A large overturned desk sat between two doorways. Small signs hung over the doors, one read women and the other men.

Sophie glanced over at Barbara. The faint yellowing streetlight gleamed off of her silky black cape. She met her friend's gaze, her green eyes peering through the darkness of her cowl.

Sophie motioned to the doorway she was standing near and Babs nodded. The two parted ways, each taking their own side of the building.

The girls washroom was small compared to the rest of the building. There were a few yellow changing stalls, a wall of graffiti covered lockers and two bathrooms.

Sophie checked each stall before she went through the small hall that led to the indoor pool.

She stepped out into the large space. Moonlight poured into the center of the room from the large skylight over the pool. The large square pool took up most of the graffiti covered room.

Wind whistled as the slight breeze bounced around the echoey room. She could still hear the traffic outside but it was faint. The sounds matched up, except she couldn't hear any crying.

She glanced over at the mens washroom just as Barbara stepped out. She shook her head no before nodding to the pool.

Sophie cautiously walked to the edge of the pool. From the corner of her eyes she could see Barbara doing the same.

She reached the edge and peered into it. The light overhead seemed to glide down the rounded sides, pooling at the bottom. And that faint light illuminated the small figure sitting at the bottom of the pool.

An army green hoodie covered the persons hunched over form. They had their knees brought to their chest and covered their ears with their hands.

Sophie's brow furrowed. She grabbed the edge of the pool and jumped in.

The person in the center suddenly jolted. A deafening scream filled the room, drowning out every other sound.

Sophie threw her hands to her ears. Pressure erupted through her head like someone was running over it. Her face was burning hot and her stomach began to twist and sink.

Her knees buckled.

"Stop it!" She thought the words over and over again. It was the only coherent thing she could latch on to.

And like magic, the noise stopped.

Air filled Sophie's lungs and she quickly dropped her hands. Her head was pounding against her skull, but her ears weren't ringing like she expected them too.

She looked over at Barbara with wide eyes. She was on her knees panting. Whatever had just happened, it happened to the both of them.

Sophie looked back at the person and carefully rose to her feet. She wasn't sure what just happened but it had to have come from them. They were the only odd variable she could find.

"Help me." A weak, frightened voice spoke. It sounded like the person had spoken right next to her ear but the kid was still a few feet away from her.

"Batgirl, please please help me." The voice spoke again. The person in the center looked up. The hood covering his head slid back and the light illuminated his features.

Tear trails had dried to the kids light brown cheeks and bloodshot eyes darted between the two heroes. In the faint light it was easy to make out that it was the kid they had saved just a month ago.

Tyler Kellan, the kid who survived Sophie's father. A kid who was deaf and practically mute. A kid they could hear inside of their heads.



I really loved writing this book. Sophie is honestly one of my favorite OCs and I'm so happy so many people enjoyed the character too. You guys seriously are the best. I've never had a book blow up the way this one did and I'm ecstatic that it happened.


For anyone wondering, there is a second book and it's already up on my account!!!
New chapters will be posted every Thursday, so  give me a follow to keep up to date with that.


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