19|| Motel Madness

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The halls of the motel were silent. The kind of silence that was easily mistaken for being peaceful, but it wasn't. It was just empty. The halls felt lifeless and cold, and the old florescent light on the ceiling flickered. 

Sophie's booted feet were inaudible against the old, stained carpet. She subconsciously changed the way she walked so she wouldn't disturb the silence. It was one of those things that Bruce had taught her, and somehow it became a habit.

She had scared the crap out of Jason more then once because of it. Dick on the other hand always seemed to know when she was coming. 

The subtle tap of heels clicking on the carpeted floor made Sophie glance up. Her eyes landed on Kori as she turned the hall. She walked with a prideful swing to her hips and her glossy lips were pulled up into a prideful grin.

"Hey." Sophie broke the silence as the two girls approached each other. 

Kori's eyes snapped over to her and her smile faltered. "Hi." 

Sophie's brow furrowed as she came to a stop a few feet from Kori. Something about her made the detective side of Sophie's brain stir awake. She quickly looked Kori over before her eyes landed on the lip gloss that was smudge beneath her bottom lip.

Sophie's eyes widened as it hit her. Smudged lipstick, prideful smile, Dick's room being just down the hall. She couldn't help but snicker. 

"What?" Kori asked.

"Nothing, your lipsticks smudged." She tapped beneath her own bottom lip. 

"Oh." Kori reached up and wiped the gloss away with the pad of her thumb. "Thanks."

"No problem. I'm sure Dick's wearing more of it then you are." She couldn't help the teasing smile that spread across her lips.

Kori's eyes rounded before she cleared her throat and brushed her hair from her face. "What makes you think I was with Dick?" Her voice was calm and collected, it would have made most people second guess themselves but Sophie knew better.

Dick had a thing for flirting with just about everyone, and most people couldn't resist him. 

"I was a PI before this you know. Catching people screwing was kind of my job." She shrugged a shoulder, still playfully eyeing Kori.

"Ok, yeah. Me and Dick" She admitted shamelessly. Sophie chuckled and shook her head. She wasn't surprised but still it felt strange to know he was sleeping with Kori.

"You two are friends right?" Kori asked curiously. "I mean, you two seem like you've known each other for a while."

"Yeah, we've known each other since forever." Sophie nodded slowly. "Why?"

Kori shifted her weight from one hip to the other as she crossed her arms over her chest. "He's hiding things from us. I want to know what." 

"It's hard to say with Dick." Sophie shrugged. That wasn't a lie. Dick had a knack for keeping secrets from just about everyone. Even she didn't know everything about his life. 

But she had an idea of what he was keeping from the others. It was pretty clear that he hadn't told anyone he was Robin. She couldn't blame him for that. There was a kind of weight that came with having a secret identity, a responsibility, a danger. Sometimes it was just safer to keep your identity to yourself.

Kori cocked her head to the side and a smirk tugged at her lips. "But you know them all, don't you?"

She glanced up at her with a furrowed brow. "Most. Look, maybe there's a reason he's not telling you whatever he isn't telling you."

Kori narrowed her eyes slightly. "Maybe." She said before her expression lightened. "You've got your secrets too." She said smugly.

Sophie scoffed, a laugh building in her chest. "Don't we all." She walked over to Kori. "By the way, what's up with the new guy?"

"Gar?" Kori chuckled, a genuine smile spreading across her lips. "It's a long story. After you disappeared Rach-" Kori's words died on her tongue as the lights in the hallway went out. 

Sophie's stomach tightened with anxiety and suddenly her only thought was Rachel. "Get to Rachel and Gar." She ordered and Kori nodded.

Sophie barely took a step forwards before two smaller figures appeared at the end of the hall. The dull yellow emergency lights shone down on them, shadowing their features. The weapons in there hands were all it took for Sophie to figure out that they were the siblings from Washington.

"Great." Kori muttered and shot a glance over at Sophie. "You take the son, I've got the girl."

"Got it." Sophie closed her hands into fists and felt the weight of her daggers form against her palms.

The two kids began walking down the dark hallway. The daughter twirled her chained knife before the brother charged forwards. 

There was a feeling that Sophie got when she fought. She couldn't quite explain it, it warmed her chest and and turned her emotions into logic. It was what stopped her from caring that she was throwing her daggers at a kid. 

The son tucked and rolled, dodging the daggers before sprinting towards her. 

Kori was already busy taking care of the daughter. She fought so ruthlessly that it even made Sophie feel a little cold.

Air suddenly whooshed past Sophie's head. She dodged the thick wooden baseball bat and turned her attention to the son. She grabbed the wooden bat, forcing it against the cracked drywall before slamming her foot into his chest. 

The son stumbled backwards, taking the bat with him. Her glared daggers at her and swung the bat towards her.

She jumped backwards, dodging the baseball bat by mere inches. The kid was fast, she'd give him that.

The kid jolted towards her, swinging the bat right at her head. Sophie sprang towards the floor, rolling beneath his swing. Just as quickly, she rose to her feet and pressed a glowing dagger to his throat. Stalling his movements. 

"Stay down." She warned him. She kicked out the back of his knee, letting her dagger scrap against his neck as as he fell. 

The kid rested on his hands and knees for a second before his grip tightened around the baseball bat's handle. He rolled onto his back and swung the bat at her legs. Sophie quickly threw herself into a backwards cartwheel.

The moment her feet hit the ground she was dodging the sons punches. She blocked and dodged his frantic punches, trying her hardest to not hurt the kid to bad. But her patients was wearing thin.

A loud crash came from somewhere behind her and her shoulders tensed. She gritted her teeth as the son threw another punch. She grabbed his wrist, pressing her fingers into his pressure points. She got her shoulder under his and in a fluid movement she flipped him over her.

He hit the ground hard and Sophie quickly placed her foot on his chest. She used the calm moment to look over at Kori. 

She was standing over the daughter. Glass littered the carpet from the fire extinguisher case. 

Kori glanced back at Sophie. "You good?" She asked breathlessly, and Sophie nodded. "I'll get Gar and Rachel. Find Dick." She said before she ran towards Rachel room.

Sophie glanced down at the kid under her. "I'm sorry." She muttered and tightened her grip on his arm. With a quick twist she heard the sickening pop of his shoulder dislocating.

He groaned out in pain and pulled his arm closer to his chest. She knew that would take care of him for a few minutes at least. 

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