Chapter Seven: Scarce Hope

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"Oh hello my friends. Long time no see." Joshua growled.

Erica and Catherine both shot him a cold glare full of pure hatred while Cyrus kept his gun carefully trained on Joshua.

"Man, I don't think you're gonna win, we have five people and you're just alone," Mike said, staring at Joshua with a questioning look.

Joshua looked proud. "Haha. You really thought I'd come alone? You're not going to destroy our plans this time, you aren't even close to stopping us." What does he mean by that? We were almost able to stop the programs...
With that, ten armed guards emerged from the doorway. They charged toward us and shot a sedative dart at each of the Hales. They collapsed to the ground in an instant. Mike and I were captured soon after and I saw one of the guards' fists coming straight to my face before I blacked out.

...The floor was cold and hard. All I could hear was faint voices from outside the room. I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting to the bright light. We were locked in an empty room with no windows and everything was made of concrete. I had a pounding headache and pain shot through my body. They must have beaten us up. I found that I couldn't move my hands and legs. Wonderful, they're in handcuffs. I glanced around the room and saw that Erica was in the corner of the room, in much worse shape than me. Her hair was a mess and she had cuts and bruises all over her face and body. But somehow, she still managed to look absolutely stunning.

Mike woke up next to me, with a black eye and blood trickling down from one of his nostrils. Other than that, he looked mostly fine. "Where are we?" he asked.

I replied with a hoarse voice, "Probably locked up in some sort of prison or interrogation room. "

"Yeah no dip Sherlock," I found that Erica had woken up, along with Catherine and Cyrus. They were already trying to escape their handcuffs.

The Hales broke free about 3 minutes later and came to help Mike and I. Once we were free, we tried to open the door. Just as we reached for the door knob, the door swung open, revealing a man the size of a bear, accompanied by 21 agents, staring down as us with menacing eyes.

"Where do you think you're going?" The man snarled.

We all backed up towards the center of the room. The man walked toward us with an evil grin. He raised up his left arm, showing a dart gun pointed straight at Erica. There was some sort of greenish liquid inside the dart, almost like its glowing.

He shot the dart at Erica's arm and she whimpered in pain, pulling the needle out and clutching her side. Cyrus and Catherine both rushed to check if she was okay, but the man simply laughed, "You're going to die soon, good luck." and left us in the room, locked up.

Erica's arm was swelling up at an alarming rate. It started to turn black around the wound, the liquid must have been some sort of poison. Cyrus tied her arm up to stop the poison from spreading, but it was too strong. Her whole arm was now blue and purple.

The thought of losing Erica made tears stream down my face. Erica looked at me with those ice blue eyes, full of fear and sorrow. At that moment I felt her soul slowly slipping away from me, those ice blue eyes, once full of life and energy,were now dull and lifeless.

I have to find a cure for her. "Please don't leave me Erica. You're everything to me. If I lose you then there's no reason for me to live. Because I love you." tears couldn't stop forming. Erica only gave me a weak smile.

Those were the last words I said to Erica. After that, her pulse stopped. I'd hoped a million times that I was dreaming, and that everything was fine. But I wasn't. I just kneeled down next to Erica, hugging her tightly and remembering all the memories we had, all the missions we've been on and every moment spent with her had made my life so much better...

Is this really the end? Erica Hale just died?

Cliffhangerrrrr lol honestly idk where this is going. I've read some suggestions and they seem pretty far fetched to me and wouldn't really be suitable for this situation so I really need new suggestions pleeeease help me outtttt

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