Chapter Nine: Reunion

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As the sounds got closer, we all stiffened, waiting to accept our fate that we were going to die in a vent.

Only, it wasn't an enemy. I recognized those bright green eyes.

"Zoe!" Mike and I exclaimed.

"Guys! I came to find you after I heard sounds coming from the vent, what happened? Why is Erica unconscious?" Zoe looked confused.

The moment Zoe mentioned Erica I just fell silent. Mike sensed it and replied, "She's been poisoned. We don't know if she is still alive."

Zoe's confused expression turned into a sorry look. She understood and lead us out the vent. The exit was in the airport control room, next to a bathroom. How did SPYDER manage to connect their vents to the airport facility? I wondered.

We left the control room and headed straight for the jet. We had to make up a plan. If we couldn't stop the programmes, then we had to stop the planes. And most importantly, we definitely had to get food. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the same suspicious men looking out the window of their jet, staring at us. Then their jet quickly lifted off, like they were in a rush... Who are these men?

Once we got in our jet, I placed Erica on the bed, looking at her with the last sliver of hope. Maybe it's my wishful thinking, but I thought I saw Erica's eyelid flutter ever so slightly. But it couldn't happen, could it? Erica is already dead. I watched her pulse stop with my very own eyes. I headed to the bathroom to take a shower and freshen up. I had to move on and forget Erica.

When I came out from the bathroom, Erica was gone. I sprinted out to the lounge only to find Cyrus examining her arm. He was measuring her pulse with a built in blood pressure monitor. I sighed in disappointment. But Cyrus seemed to look intrigued, almost like he found something interesting about her dead body. How can he look completely okay when his granddaughter just died?!

Upon closer inspection, Erica's arm had slightly returned to a normal color, and the swelling had gone down a bit. But the monitor still showed no sign of any heartbeats. Maybe it's only the poison spreading out through her body.

I decided to work out in the rec center. I grabbed a punching bag and threw punches out of anger and sadness. Every punch was remembering a memory with Erica. I remember when we first met during my SACSAs. She made me forget all about Elizabeth Pasternak, she was just like an angel from heaven. I remember the first time she put a friendly arm around me after I stopped Murray from escaping. I remember being with her after Joshua fell off the cliff. She even knew that day was my birthday.
I remember our first kiss in Vail after the nuclear bomb ticked down, if only I had a few more seconds of that kiss. And I remember when she smiled at me when she made Jason Stern pee his pants. And that time when we stopped SPYDER once again in Mexico and chased Joshua down in London... Everything we'd been through together, so many memories. Before I knew it, tears escaped my eyes and I was punching so hard my arms were sore and hurt. I was drenched in sweat and tears. My hair was all wet and messy.

I turned around to find Zoe at the door, watching me with watery eyes. "I'm sorry Ben. I'm so sorry."

"It's fine, not like you could do anything about it anyways." And I walked past her, plastering on a fake smile.

"Ben, wait," I just ignored her and locked myself in the bedroom. Seeing her reminded me of Erica. I remembered Erica admitting that Zoe was her friend on the way to the Pentagon. Zoe was so happy. I was so happy. But now everything is falling apart.

If only you were still here, Erica...

This chapter was quite depressing, mainly about Ben grieving over Erica and his memories giving him a hard time. Next chapter will probably be moving on. Btw #58 in spies! Thank you guys!

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