Chapter Fourteen: Betrayal

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I woke up in my bedroom, staring at the ceiling. There was a continuous beeping sound next to me, I turned to see what it was. Pain shot through my body, especially my lower back. The beeping sound became more frequent.

Zoe barged into my room, "Ben are you okay? You got stabbed by the guy we kidnapped for interrogation."

"Yeah I'm fine. Thanks. Where's that guy?"

"Oh he got handcuffed by Cyrus and got thrown back into the room after attacking you. But he managed to escape somehow. Don't worry, he wasn't important anyways, just a guard."

I glanced over Zoe's shoulder and saw Erica leaning against the doorway, staring at Zoe with a cold expression. She walked in and Zoe left the room in an instant.

Erica closed the door behind her, gave the room a quick glance and put an earpiece inside my ear. The only thing she said was "I'll keep in contact." Then she left the room. At that moment I knew something was up. There must be something big she discovered.

I'd lost my consciousness along with my sense of time, so I looked at the clock and found out it was already two in the morning. I was so tired I managed to fall asleep despite all the questions flying through my head.

The next morning I was woken up by Cyrus at 9am.
"Ripley, get ready and join the others outside."

I went to the lounge and saw that everyone was getting ready, though Catherine and Erica were nowhere to be found. "Where are you guys going?"

"Reconnaissance." they all replied.

"What? We already know where they are and what they're up to!"

They only shrugged and said, "Catherine told us to"

"Where's Catherine and Erica anyways?"

"Oh they left before us to disable the alarms."

The next second I heard something in my earpiece. It was Erica but she sounded like she was struggling. Then she managed to say something that totally shocked me. "Mom kidnapped me. She works for SPYDER. Turn off the lights."

What?! Catherine was the nicest person I'd ever known. It was hard to believe she could possibly work for SPYDER. But I guess that's what made her a good double agent. Never ever getting suspected.

Turn off the lights? What does she mean by that?

I waited for everyone to leave and made up an excuse of forgetting something so I could go back in. Then I told them to go first and meet me there. The second Mike closed the door behind him, I went everywhere in the jet, flipping light switches. It was the only reasonable thing I could do.

When I got to the one of the switches in the rec center, there was a different click. I flipped it again. A sharp click followed by the turning of gears. But nothing appeared. I was starting to panic when Erica spoke again. "Push harder, you idiot."

I did exactly as she told. The entire switch sunk into the wall and the tv slid up, revealing a small room behind. I saw Erica tied to a chair and her mouth was taped. I quickly untied her and removed the tape.

"Took you long enough." Erica said, breathing in fresh air.

"Where's Catherine?"

"She went back to SPYDER's penthouse at the hotel."

"How did you even know she was a double agent?"

"I saw her acting suspicious so I gave you an earpiece just in case."

"But she's your mother!"

"This is just how espionage works. It doesn't matter if we're family or not." She wanted to seem fine, but I detected a sliver of sadness and disappointment in her voice.

"So, what do we do now?"

"Isn't it obvious? We meet with the others at the penthouse."

This is getting sloppy. I don't really like how this is turning out. I'll definitely wait until new ideas pop up.

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