The Literature Club Comes Over

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"Sayori! Wake uuupp!" I whine, nudging Sayori. "We'll be late!"I say, still nudging her. My shoulder is sore from her using my shoulder as a pillow. As I didn't mind her embrace, it still ached all the same. "Mmmfh..." Sayori groans, her sky blue eyes barely cracking open. "I don't feel so good, Y/N.." Sayori mumbles. "Alright, fine. Head back to sleep." I reply, laying her head down on the couch. I then crack open my phone, realizing I have multiple texts from the literature club.

                   The Literature Club Text

Monika: Y/N are u online?

Yuri: Relax Monika, he's probably still asleep. He'll be online shortly.

Natsuki: Yeah Mon

Y/N: Hey guys, sorry i wasn't online.. Sayori and I won't be at school today..

Monika:   :(

Natsuki: (T_T)

Yuri: Are you not feeling well?

Y/N: Not me, Sayori.

Yuri: I'm sorry for Sayori's condition, tell her that I hope she gets better soon!

Y/N: I will. Gotta sign off now, sorry.

Monika: Byee!!

Yuri: Goodbye!

Natsuki: bye

I turn off my phone and set it down. "Well, what now?" I ask myself. I walk silently over to the liquor cabinet and grab a bottle of 17 year aged Histune Yamkazoa Japanese whiskey and start preparing tea. Once the kettle heats up, I pour the boiling water into the mug, adding the tea bag, dripping in the whiskey every so often. Once the tea is finished, I grab a whiskey glass and pour myself a drink. I carry both drinks over to the couch, giving the tea to Sayori and then setting the whiskey down in front of a chair. Sayori wakes up to the scent of the tea, and takes a sip. She instinctively recoiled at the taste of the ginger tea with the whiskey. "Thank you, Y/N, but what did you put in this?" Sayori asks before taking another sip. I hold up the bottle while saying; "It's a mix of ginger tea, and 17 year aged Histune Yamkazoa whiskey.". Sayori sips it again, but sets it down, taking a breather from the strong scent of the whiskey.


"What is it, Sayori?"

"Do you think we could have a club gathering here?"

"That's not a half-bad idea, thank you, Sayori! I'll call right away!"

I pick up my phone and tap Monika's contact icon.


Monika: "Oh! Hi, Y/N! Why did you call?"

Y/N: "Sayori and I thought about having a club gathering here, what do you say?"

Monika: "That's an amazing idea, Y/N! I'll notify the other club members right away!"

Y/N: "Alright! See you soon!"

The call ended, and soon the news spread like wildfire. 


I down the rest of the whiskey the glass. Delicious as it was, I'll have to pay Sayori's dad back with another bottle of whiskey. The doorbell interrupts my thoughts, causing me to rush to the door. Sayori had headed upstairs, I assume to get some rest. I open the door. Natsuki, Monika, and Yuri are on my doorstep. "Come on in!" I tell them, gesturing them inside "Thanks, Y/N!" The girls say in unison. I put the empty glass in the sink and walk over to the living room. "Why'd you invite us here, dummy?" Natsuki asks. "Since Sayori isn't feeling good, she thought that instead of going to the club, what if the club came to us?" I explain. "Sound thinking." Yuri says quietly. Natsuki yawns. "I didn't get much sleep last night, so I think I'm gonna take a nap before anything. She sits on a recliner and within a matter seconds, is sound asleep. The girls and I share the amazement of Natsuki's ability to sleep so quickly. "Well, what now?" I ask, open to insight. "We brought a couple of books, so we're good." Monika says while reaching into her bag. "Alright, I'll check on Sayori." I say, walking up the stairs. I knock on the door. "Sayori?" I gently open the door. 

Authors note - hehehe! sorry if gave you any DDLC flashbacks, i wonder if somethin's gonna happen

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