A Day At The Mall, Part One

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I wake up in Sayori's bed, next to her. She squints her eyes open, but I kiss her forehead, and she falls asleep again. Luckily, today is Saturday, so we can sleep in. Disregarding that, I get up and take off my shirt to change it. Sayori opens her eyes and sits up. I freeze like a deer in headlights, blushing like there's no tomorrow. She giggles. "Don't worry, I don't care." She says, getting up. I put on a fresh shirt, and limp downstairs. Natsuki is on the couch, watching anime and eating cereal, and Yuri is there with her, doing the same. "What are you two doing here?" I ask, walking down the stairs. "Having breakfast, what else?" Natsuki responds without diverting her attention form the screen. "I thought you two went home." I say, sitting down in a chair. "I'm staying at Yuri's house for now, but we decided to come here and hang out with you!" She explains. Sayori comes over and ambushes me with a kiss, and I return. "Congratulations, Y/N." Yuri congratulates me. "Yeah, good job dude, though that was an unexpected pairing, man." She chimes in. "Thanks. Where are the others?" I ask. "Monika said she was going to the mall.." Natsuki says, still not diverting attention. "What would you think about a day at the mall?" I ask, getting my stuff together. "Okay. Just give us a sec, we'll meet you there." The two reply in unison. I gather up my stuff, text Monika, and start out the door. I am stopped cold in my tracks by Sayori, hugging me tightly. I kiss her on the cheek, and she giggles. "I love you, Y/N~" She coos, sitting in the passenger seat of my beat-up, dented truck. She kisses me, and I slip in a disk into the music player, and on the way to the mall, we sing along to songs and laugh so hard our chests hurt. Today.. today, nothing will stop us from having fun!

Author's note - part one of two, so happy I was able to make that confession do alright. Sorry this thing is short, im really busy, so I'll try to crank some out, kay?

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