Stay Awake

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"Sayori..." I say, tears coating my face like a thin, wet mask. She's on a chair, with her head through a noose, and tears down her eyes. "I-I love y-you, Y-Y/N-" She cries out, kicking the chair. I can't say anything, my mouth is drier than a savanna, but I don't care. I dash toward her, pull out my pocket knife, and cut the rope. She falls to the ground, limp, and a lifeless gaze in her eyes. It looks like the lights are on, but no one is home. "Wake up...please.." I cry out, cradling my girlfriend. I dart my eyes around her room to find an empty pill bottle on her desk. Damnit! Can't I even save the one I love? I'm so useless, I can't even save her... Tears drip onto her limp body, and I begin to sob violently. "I-I'm s-s-so s-so s-so so sorry, Sayori, i-if only I could've realized sooner, you wouldn't have... you wouldn't have done this!..." I sob. "N-no, Y/N, I'm sorry... I didn't want to do this, but-" She weakly replies. I silence her sad ramblings with a kiss. "Promise me... promise me that you'll never leave me again!" I sob harder, hugging her tight. "I made a promise that I'd never let anything hurt you, and I failed to see that it was those rainclouds. So please. Stick around a little longer, just for me?" I ask, still embracing her. She silently nods, and we just stay there, crying tears of joy.

My Angel - Sayori X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now