03 | Her

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Leaving Eliza to stay the night, I headed back downstairs. Trying not to make too much noise, I bypassed the kitchen, taking a swig of bourbon that instantly sent my blood hot like lava down it's torrent. Leaving the bottle on the bench, I continued out onto the front steps. It was almost silent. I took in the view before me, that although cloaked in darkness, was still something to behold.

The beauty of Cross Rivers was that we had the lush wilderness from the North, views of snow capped mountains from the East and the rivers that weaved through each territory like veins to where I happened to lead: the heart of it all. Running my fingers through my hair, I listened to the song of the cicatas fade as I gave my beast permission to claw out into the night.

It was time for a new dawn.


As planned, my team congregated at our territory boundary line at 24:00 sharp. James had left earlier in one of our trucks, standing by at the Shadow Moon border awaiting our arrival. Doing so meant he could keep an eye on Jacob's potential movements and keep us posted via mind link.

As a slight breeze flickered through my wolf's thick sepia coloured coat, James came through, "Gabe. No movements, but his scent is strong. He's here alright. Ready when you are."

I closed my eyes, and with a sharp inhale, sniffed at the air before mind-linking the others that stood before me. "It's time."  With sharp nods of understanding we set off towards what was left of the Shadow Moon Pack, my wolf snarling in anticipation for the moment he had been waiting for...

Like the drumming of a tribal rhythm, our paws pounded the damp earth for what seemed like hours. We had crossed through rivers, passing through two neighboring territories, and vast expanses of forest that never seemed to end. It was a long journey, but that had to be done.

I could tell we were getting closer by the unease my wolf was feeling. As the forest slowly began to thin, my wolf's shackles began to thicken. "What's your problem? It's only Jacob, and he is an easy target for us. For you."

Slowly our pace settled as we spotted James awaiting our arrival. Standing casually against his truck by the fringes of the once flourishing pack land he smirked at my wolf, "What took you so long princess?"

"Fucking hair and makeup James, what else?" Letting out a chuckle, we all looked down to the valley below. I could tell it had once been a beautiful territory. Such a shame. It was different to Cross Rivers, the landscape. Surrounded by evergreen, the town seemed somewhat bygone... I imagined the glory and old age charm that was once the soul of this place. Now, it was just a broken monolith to their past. I let out a sigh as I momentarily mourned for their pack knowing that not only would there be no resurrection here, there would only be more bloodshed.

Eyeing the Rogues patrolling in the distance, I stifled a snarl, angry on behalf of those who lost so much. First their Alpha in childbirth, and then faced with the choice of their land or their lives. It had become a ghost town, decimated by greed and a flagrant disregard to the suffering of others. One of the strongest packs had been flattened in an instant, a cruel warning of how quickly tides can turn.

"Neve, you're leading north-east, James, start south-west and disperse the surrounds. We stalk in linear to the kill zone, distract and attack just like we planned, but leave him for me."

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