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To my surprise, she agreed

She followed me silently.

I brought her into the exam room the nurse prepared for us, seeing an intern of mine enter the room.

"Please run to my office and grab the sweatpants and shirt from in my closet." I spoke, seeing the intern nod before leaving quickly.

"Okay, come here" I spoke, motioning to the sink.

I turned the hot water on, seeing her instantly take that opportunity to get the dried blood off of her hands.

"Don't scrub too hard" I spoke, knowing she was most likely desperate to get the blood off, but she didn't need to make herself bleed from it.

She soon got it all off, where I handed her a rag, letting her dry her hands.

"Milton High?" I questioned, reading her school shirt, making her glance to it.

"Y-yeah" she spoke slowly.

That was a very low graded public school.

It had asbestos, bats and rats infestations, no security, and way too many requests to shut it down, but it never gets shut down.

"Do you like it there?" I asked her, trying to make conversation to get her to open up to me a bit more.

She shrugged, her hand going to her nose slowly, making me know that she could feel the pain.

"Sit, let me call an ortho doctor" I spoke, immediately hitting Michael's pager.

"I'm okay." She spoke slowly, making me tilt my head to her.

"So you're feeling some pain now, right?" I asked her.

She hesitantly nodded.

"If you don't let us look at it and fix it today, in a few years, you'll be in pain still and wanting to get it fixed, and they're going to have to do surgery to rebreak your nose and make it heal correctly, which is much more painful than handling it right here and right now." I spoke to her.

I saw her gaze go to her feet as she slowly did as said, slowly sitting on the bed.

Seconds after she listened, Michael joined us.

"This is our orthopedic doctor, he's going to look at your nose." I told her slowly.

"Hi, I'm Michael" michael spoke slowly to her.

"Andrea" She mumbled back to him.

"You've got a little break, don't you?" He spoke to her, tilting her head with his fingers gently.

"It's no big deal" she immediately mumbled.

"I agree- no biggie" he spoke slowly, moving to get gloves.

"But I do need to get the bone back in place so that it will heal correctly, so I'm going to need some help and braveness from you, okay?" He asked her.

She seemed so helpless.

"I guess I'm okay with that."

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