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The next day, I brought into account the fact that he told me he loved pudding cups, so I may or may not have went into the cafeteria and took a pudding cup, running it straight to him room.

"Johnny" I spoke as I entered, seeing him look away from his tv.

"Andrea!" He was purely excited.

"I brought you a pudding cup." I spoke, setting it on his table with a spoon.

"Oh thank you! I just love pudding but they're so strict on what we eat." He smiled.

He was dying

Let him eat whatever the fuck he wanted to.

Today was another day filled with talking.

"Oh my wife would just love you- with your dimples and curly hair, she'd adore you." He told me, seeming happiest when talking about his wife.

"She seemed like a really good lady." I told him, seeing him nod firmly.

"Oh she was."

He told me about where they met, when they fell in love, how they got married quick and how each child that they had was most certainly an accident.

three weeks later

She did the one thing we all warned her not to do.

She got attached.

And now he's weak, weaker than ever, closest to death due to his organs slowly shutting down.

And she wasn't taking it well.

She never wanted to leave him, she didn't want him to be alone when he died- even if he told her it was okay to go home.

If was currently the fifth night that she was trying to stay, and we were trying to make her go home, she hadn't slept eight hours in the past five days due to checking on him constantly.

She almost turned fully into his doctor, making Calum teach her how to check vitals and what to do in emergency situations.

"Andrea, princess- he says you can go home-" "he's been alone for over a year, Ash" her voice cracked to me.

"He can't die alone- you wouldn't want to die alone, so why is it okay that he dies alone?" She stressed to me.

"It could be days before he dies, Andrea-" "ash he told me his goodbyes an hour ago- he knows." I watched a tear fall out of her eye.

"He's been unconscious and on oxygen for the past hour, you and I both know what that means." She spoke the truth

"So please, just let me hold his hand and give him support as he leaves, because he needs it and he deserves it." She stressed.

"Andrea- death isn't easy, he's not just going to take a last breath- he'll likely choke over his air for a few minutes, he might throw up- it's not going to be easy to watch." Calum warned her of the possibilities.

"I don't want him to die alone, Cal." She spoke.

She hit our weak spot, and we caved

Which is why it's three in the morning and we're watching her fight her sleep as she holds the hand of an unconscious man who was been waiting for these moments the past two years of his life here.

And we slowly started noticing the signs.

His blood pressure dropping, his heart rate slowing

And then the wheezing from the struggle to breathe

This made Andrea stand, and Calum and I joined her at the sides

Michael and Ashton has went home, because they were preparing to come in the morning and be with her if he hadn't passed yet

Just like she didn't want him to be alone during this, we didn't want her to be alone.

The wheezing got louder, making her grip tighten on his hand.

He was struggling, almost as if he wanted to hang on, but his body was shutting down.

"Just go, Johnny." She spoke slowly to him,

And as if he heard her, several moments later, we heard one final wheeze and we watched the monitors flatline.

I watched Andrea set down his hand as nurses came in to chart it.

"Time of death, 3:47 AM" Calum spoke for us.

We gave her a minute to take it in as the nurses took the IV and electrodes and cups off of him.

And as they covered him up, she turned to us, nodding slowly.

"Okay" she exhaled lightly

"You okay, pretty girl?" Calum asked her

I watched her take a hard swallow.

"I think this is harder to process than my dad dying."

Exactly what I feared

gangsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora