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two days later.

Tonight was the first night that we were staying at the guys' house, and to say the least, I was nervous.

My dads funeral was in two days.

My mom was constantly on either a bridge of tears or a bridge of her wanting to take her emotions out on me.

I didn't want to make any of the guys miserable in their own house, and I knew my mom would be more than capable of doing that.

I also didn't want anyone to find out my mom and I were staying here, because I didn't want any of the guys at risk.

I just wanted this to all go away, but I knew how hard that would be.

"Let me take the couch, you go to my bed." Ashton's voice spoke, making me turn to him.

"No- it's your bed." I laughed lightly, throwing my blanket and pillow onto the couch, not wanting him to give up his own bed for me.

Apparently, my mom was in their only guest room, and she didn't feel like sharing the bed, but I didn't exactly want to be with her anyway.

"Andrea- that was a demand" Ashton laughed out as I sat on the couch, smiling lightly to him.

"And I demanded back that I'm not taking your bed" I smiled.

"Fine." He spoke, sitting on the other end of the couch.

"If you won't take my bed, I won't either- looks like we're both on the couch." He spoke, obviously wanting me to be like 'oh no that's uncomfortable, I'm going to your room'

But instead I gave a solid nod

"Sounds good to me."


I woke up around two in the morning randomly- and I wanted water.

I got out of bed, moving downstairs and to the kitchen, where I grabbed a glass of water before reentering the living room to go to my room, but I noticed a lump on the couch.

I was confused, because Andrea was supposed to be in her moms room, no one should be on the couch.

I turned a lamp on- seeing both Ashton and Andrea

Ashton's head laid on one end of the couch, his legs laying behind Andrea's body as Andrea's head laid on the other end, holding her arms to her body- making her look cold, but I wouldn't doubt it since Ashton was taking majority of the blanket.

I grabbed an extra blanket, throwing it over her body- instantly seeing her eyes open

Without even making a sound- she sat up and was holding my wrists as if prepared to get me away from her.

"It's me, it's me." I told her, making her finally focus to my face- seeing it all click as she immediately let go of my wrists

"I'm sorry- you just scared me" she laughed lightly, trying to dismiss it.

No one reacts like that to being scared in their sleep.

Normally it's just a jump or maybe a reflex hit, but this was a full on thought out and almost trained situation.

It was so weird.

"No need to be sorry, I'm sorry for scaring you, I was just putting another blanket over you." I told her slowly.

"Thank you" she spoke, glancing to Ashton.

I had so many questions to ask her

But her tiredly rubbing her eyes as she yawned made me decide against it.

"Go back to sleep, you know where my room is if you need anything at all" I told her, seeing her nod.

"Thank you, Michael.'

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