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"When does it get bad?" She mumbled to me as I returned from grabbing alcohol wipes to take off her bandaids.

"Hopefully it won't get too bad due to yourself not having it for way too long." I told her, looking to her face- which was slowly getting paler and paler.

"Come on, let me take off your bandaids." I spoke, watching her stand.

She kept her hand on the counter as I crouched, seeing Calum enter, watching me as I started.

"It stings" she mumbled after a few minutes of me trying to get them off and clean the area without it hurting completely.

"I know, I'm sorry sweetie" I exhaled.

After about ten minutes, we had them all off and I stood, nodding to her.

"You're going to have scars, but they'll fade" I spoke, kissing her cheek gently.

"I don't feel good" she told me, making Calum out his hand to her forehead, immediately glancing to me.

"She's sweating"

Therefore, we started the process without Michael and Luke.

We put her in front of the tv to distract her, we forced her to drink water and tried to keep her mind far away from her craving.

Ten minutes after, Luke finally came back from the store, seeing Calum and I on the floor with her, talking to her about to movie we were playing.

He set out more snacks, powerade's, pedialite and cooling rags.

"Sip" Calum spoke, putting a cup to her mouth, and she immediately pulled her head away, looking to me.

"You have to drink Andrea" I told her slowly.

"I-I can't" she spoke to me.

"Why can't you?" I asked her slowly.

"I'm gonna throw up" she told us, so we took more precautions, we got buckets and trash bags, rags anything that would help us.

Soon Michael got home, and that's when things got fun, we went into full fledge withdrawal.

Nothing distracted her, she was crying, gagging, begging us to make it stop and we couldn't do anything but hold her.

"No- I don't want needles, please" she sobbed out to me as Michael tried desperately to get an IV into her arm.

"You either have to drink a lot for us, or you have to have an IV, princess." Michael spoke to her, making even more tears stream down her face.

"I'll drink"

After that, we got her to drink about half a bottle of water and she ate goldfish, and sat there quietly, giving us all a moment to rest.

"How long does this last?" Luke asked, holding her drink to her lips, making her drink more.

"Shortest detox ever was five hours, but could last up to three days." Michael mumbled, making us all almost fall over.

Three hours later we were back into the crying and fighting stage.

"I just want a bath." She finally told us why she was crying, almost crumbling into my chest,

"Okay." I spoke, wanting to give her anything she wanted- looking to the guys as we all wondered how the hell we were going to accomplish this.

People in withdrawal were a threat to themselves, because they go through phases of depression, anger, etc.

"Can you do it in your bra and shorts?" I asked her.


Therefore, Luke started her water, I almost had to carry her to bathroom where she didn't even hesitate to take off her shirt and her in.

I pulled her hair into a bun, kissing her head, making her physically relax.

"I bet she's having muscle spasms, she's thinking the hot water will make it stop." Michael told us, which we all agreed with.

We stayed in the hall, leaving the door open to give her a little privacy.

"Poor baby"

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