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***Darius' POV***

Play song when cued.

My Queen! Aubrey! She was ready.

I was so god damn excited.

Today we were having Aubrey's coronation.

Once again I sent her and the girls off for pampering. I had spent month's planning this celebration. I just had to make a few calls and set the ball in motion once she accepted.

The gardens were set up for my angel. All eyes would be on my beautiful mate. Today she would officially be the ruler of our realm, my equal.

Persephone and all the Deities were coming to watch her be crowned. It's a surprise.

Aubrey has no clue about what she's wearing or what the coronation will look like. I want her to be thoroughly appreciated. She deserves it!

"Everything is set. We just need the ladies." Jackson confirmed.

"Aubrey is going to be fucking incredible." Ethan beamed.

"As always!" Bryan laughed.

"She is gonna be perfect." I announced.


The girls came back and I sent all of them to get ready. I sent each guy to the ladies to make sure they knew which dress belonged to them. Shoes were absent. We would walk the gardens bare feet tonite.

Us guys were dressed in Khakis and white dress shirts. Aubrey wouldn't want another super formal party. The Luna ceremony was almost too much in her opinion. Almost.

I had Aubrey's crown made by one of the best jewelry crafters in the human realm. She would feel exactly like the queen she is.

I couldn't wait to see my parvulus. I miss her every single minute she is not beside me. She makes me whole.


Before I knew it, the time had come.

I felt like I was sweating bullets.

We stood, waiting.

The Deities were standing beside us. The ladies on the left and the men on the right.

We were waiting for our Queen.

I could see Aubrey descending down the hill. The sun was setting and warm evening rays were radiating against Aubrey's luminous skin. The beams of sun light were cascading rainbows of shimmer across every single angle of Aubrey's features.


I lost my oxygen.

My smile could light the darkness.

I was absolutely stunned.

"My Angel." I cried.

I wanted to run. I wanted to move with super speed and sweep Aubrey off the ground that didn't deserve to touch her royal feet.

Her hair was cascading down her shoulders and back in beach waves. Her eyes dazzled like the most precious rare stones. Her soft pink cheeks were pulled taut. Her beautiful lips were firm against her iridescent skin.

Her hands were clasped in front of her, holding two white Cala Lillies. Her dress was white and billowed behind her while each step had the material caressing her legs. She looked like a fucking dream.

"I can't believe she's mine." I whispered in awe.

I was fighting to stay in place. I was warring with my eyes not to break the barrier of tears that were drowning my orbs.

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