Chapter 6

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With my heart pounding against my ribcage
and my wolf going absolutely insane I do the first thing that comes to mind, run. I run past the man who I slammed into that spilt all the drinks over me without saying sorry. My main focus was to put as much distance between my mate and me as possible. It was only weeks ago that I thought I was ready to have a mate, but now with that reality being presented to me I feel the farthest thing from ready.

"Wait." I hear him yell from down the hall. His voice strong but gently at the same time probably trying to not scare me any more than he thinks I already am. I don't turn back instead focusing on getting to the stairwell. Thankfully no one is on the stairs as I sprint up them two at a time. My lungs are burning by the time I make it to the fourth floor, yet I don't slow down for a second racing down the hall until our suites door comes into view.

Reaching down to get my key out of my pocket I don't find anything but my empty pockets. My eyes widen as I realize I must have dropped it at some point. With no other option and emotions running wild at this point I start banging on our door.

"Dad! Daddy! It's me open up." I yell desperately while keeping an eye on both ends of the hallway to make sure he doesn't find me. I just need some time.

"What the hell?" Fletcher swings the door open with so much force I stumble through the threshold but catch myself in time. "Oh my god are you okay?" Fletcher's eyes widen with concern as I move around him pointing to the door.

"Close it." I stammer over my words as my brain is processing a million things at once. Ryder comes out of their room looking tired and confused until his eyes land on me.

"Oh my goddess is that blood?!" Ryder rushes over to me as I shake my head vigorously.

"No I think it's wine." I mummer taking a moment to look at the full extent of the damage to my clothes. The drinks staring to dry leaving me feeling sticky, and by the looks of it there is no saving my ruined shirt.

"You were drinking?!" Fletcher booms his eyes hardening with anger. I open my mouth to tell him what happened when there is rushed knocking on our door. I don't hesitate to speed into my room shutting the door behind me. Looking around to find a place to hide and finding nowhere I go into the bathroom locking the door behind me. Leaning my back against the door I rest my palm to my forehead taking deep breaths.

"What the hell is going on?!" I hear Ryder yell as the knocking persists. I press my ear to the door to try and hear what they are going to do. My heart stops as I hear the front door open and my mates voice filters through the place.

"She dropped her key." Shit. Of course I dropped my key with my room number on it and he's the one to find it. I'm such a dumbass. "Is she okay?" My heart flutters a bit from the concern in his voice. He's not stomping around demanding to see me like others would do instead he's asking if I'm alright.

"Quentin what's going on?" Quentin? That must be his name. Wait. Quentin is the name of that Alpha that is trying to get his pack formally recognized. I rest my forehead against the door as the sevarity of this situation starts to set in.

"She's my mate." I hear a quiet gasp as I squeeze my eyes shut wishing this was all a dream. It's dead silent for a solid minute until I hear footsteps heading towards my room. Freaking out I jump into the shower tearing my stained clothes off yelping at the icy water that sprays out of the shower head as I hurriedly turn it on.

"Tessa." I hear Fletcher's soft voice call my name followed by a light knock at the bathroom door.

"Yeah?" I whisper hoping he'll hear me over the sound of the shower running.

"Come out as soon as you can, okay?" He sounds tired making me feel guilty. If I wouldn't have stayed downstairs tonight we could have avoided all of this. I push all of my thoughts to the back of my mind focusing on washing the wine and other drinks off my skin.

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