Chapter 29

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It feels as if there are weights on my eyelids pulling them down for a second longer with every blink. My head is still pounding only causing me to want to keep my eyes closed, but I know I can't because if I do have a concussion that would be the worst thing I could do. The cool breeze mixed with the rain still pouring down on us is soothing against my swollen cheek, although the heat radiating off of Jasper isn't enough to protect me from my constant shivering.

At the speed Jasper is going we should be home in a few minutes, and there is no way that Quentin hasn't already woken up. The sun is peaking out over the horizon casting a glow to the thick fog lingering between the trees. The storm clouds are moving fast so I'm hoping the rain will let up soon so that the patrol won't have such a difficult day because I'm sure they got reamed once Quentin put two and two together.

"Dammit Tessa!" I flinch at Carl's harsh tone. I knew he would be absolutely livid with me because every time I run I promise him it'll be the last time. I have a feeling it has to do with the fact he has no control on the situation if he doesn't know where I am, and it makes him feel helpless.

"What the fuck?" I lift my head my eyes connecting with a horrified Quentin as he takes in all the bruising and swelling littering the left side of my face. Sprinting over to us he gingerly lifts me off of Jasper's back and cradles me to his chest attempting to shield me from the rain. My clothes are soaked, and I can't stop my uncontrollable shivering.

"What happened?" Carl roars looking between me and Jasper throwing a pair of shorts at him waiting for him to shift back. I hide my face in Quentin's neck relishing in the comfort of being back in my mates arms safe from the horrors of reality even if it's for a few moments.

"We need to get her inside. Get Parker to meet us at our house." Quentin instructs tightening his hold on me before taking off toward our house. I peak over his shoulder making sure Carl and Jasper are following us because I still have so many questions for Jasper.

"I didn't think she'd actually do it." Jasper whispers shaking his head. Hearing the fear in his voice stirs an uneasiness in my gut, but I can't dwell on it too long because Quentin burst through our front door. Emma lets out a small scream jumping up from the couch with Oliver, who looks exhausted as well.

"Oh my! What happened?" Emma shrieks the second she catches sight of my face, and assists Quentin by grabbing a pillow off the couch while he takes his free arm and shoves everything off of the coffee table. He lays me down gently making sure not to jostle me as Emma slips the pillow under my head to support my neck.

"What hurts?" Quentin kneels down next to me surveying my body for any other obvious injures. I reach out taking his hand in mine and give it a reassuring squeeze. The combination of finally being home and chaos around me has woken me up at least.

"I'm fine. At most I have a concussion." In my head I assumed that would ease the tension and anxiety in the room, but I didn't take into account Quentin's protectiveness.

"Who?" He growls brushing my wet hair out of my face searching for an answer in my eyes, but I hold my ground. If I tell him now before Parker comes and repeats that I am fine he'll tear off down there and get himself killed. None of this changes the fact we still need to approach this war methodically and strategically, and letting our emotions get the best of us will only come back to bite us in the ass.

"Eric." Jasper spits, crossing his arms with a wicked look in his eyes. I saw the way he held back his instinct to rip into Eric earlier, and the authority that toppled off of him in waves would have impressed a lot of people had they seen it. I do however worry about those that did. The last thing we need right now is people digging into Jasper's pack. They are going to question who saved me, so I'm going to need to come up with a really believable lie.

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