Chapter 35

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The first thing my brain registers is the aches riddling my entire body, and then the muffled voices near by. Wiggling my toes and fingers as best as I can, I make sure that I've at least got all of my limbs. Last thing I remember is looking into Quentin's silver eyes, and I don't believe I have woke up since. At least not that I remember. Any and all concept of time has gone out the window. I could have slept for five hours or five weeks, but all I do know is that I really want to open my eyes. Unfortunately they feel as though they are glued shut, and my energy is running low, fast.

"Tessa?" His quiet whisper full of hope pushes me to keep attempting to open my eyes. Hearing Quentin's voice is relieving because when I last saw him he was fine, but I didn't know if anything happened after I passed out. Did more rogues show up? What did they do with Asher? Oh my god, are Della and Aidan okay?!

My breathing picks up recalling all of my unanswered questions, and a beeping noise from a machine near by goes off. Familiar and soothing sparks glide along my face brushing my hair back.

"It's okay Tessa. Please calm down." Quentin's voice comes out shaky, but has a slight twinge of command behind them. Breathing in and out slowly, I focus on opening my eyes while Quentin continues so squeeze my hand reassuringly.

It takes my eyes a moment to adjust, and not from how bright it is but due to the darkness blanketing the room. Speaking of the room, we aren't in a hospital room like I expected. The bedroom lights are shut off but thanks to the moon shining through the window I can make out most of it. I'm lying on a bed with Quentin sitting in a chair next to me, and across the room sleeping on a couch is Jasper curled up under a blanket.

"Where are we?" I squint examining the heart rate monitor and IV attached to my arm. Quentin takes my face in his hands just smiling down at me for a second. If I weren't so anxious for answers I would use the time to admire him as well, but I might go insane in a minute.

"I love you." He whispers planting a kiss on my forehead before taking both of my hands in his and sitting back down on the chair. "We are in Katherine's pack house." I frown feeling like I skipped a major chapter in a book. "She has giv..." I cut him of shaking my head vigorously. This can wait I need to know about Della and Aidan.

"Della and Aidan, are they okay?" The heart rate monitor starts beeping rapidly again causing me to glare at it as if that'll make it shut up. Quentin's frown has bile rising in my throat. No, no they can't be gone.

"They are down the hall, and they are going to be just fine." Taking my one hand out of his I smack him up side the head. "Ow!" He whisper yells with wide eyes.

"You could have led with the "they're fine" part." I lean my head back against my pillow letting out a sigh of relief. "I was so scared." I swallow the lump in my throat. I don't think I've ever been so scared than in that moment thinking I had lost two of my closet family members right after losing another. Carl. My heart tears in two all over again. The fear in his eyes, the anguished scream, and the helpless feeling. "Carl." I cry turning back to Quentin as he sits on the edge of the bed pulling me into his chest and rubbing my back.

"Im so sorry." Clutching his shirt, I don't try to stop the tears from falling, only keeping them quiet as to not wake Jasper. My heart feels as though it's being suffocated, and no matter how hard I rub my chest the pain remains. "What can I do?" Quentin pleads, his eyes showing just how much my pain is affecting him. There no doubt he can feel my pain over the mate bond, but I also know he is mourning Carl himself. They weren't as close as Carl and I were, but they were still friends who had a common goal, my safety and happiness.

"Hold me." He nods picking me up and setting me down on his lap before sliding over and laying back on the bed. Nuzzling my face into his neck, he wraps his arms around me whispering sweet nothings. His soothing touch helps calm me down slightly, but the pain doesn't dwindle for even a second. It takes a good half an hour before my constant stream of tears turn into sniffles and hiccups.

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