Chapter 34

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My heart drops into my stomach at the sheer amount of rogues pouring out of the trees and barreling towards us, but we prepared for this. As practiced part of each group draws back as we push forward so that there aren't warriors stuck in the back unable to reach the frontline.

"Stay behind me!" I yell at Jasper seconds before the first wave of rogues meets us head on. Quentin ducks down throwing a rogue over his shoulder letting a warrior behind us deal with him. Ducking I slam my fist into the kidney of the rogue that just tried to punch me in the face, and shove another behind me. I feel the familiar gust of wind next to my ear of a near miss hit to my head, but by the time I turn around Quentin has already disposed of the problem.

Kicking one in the gut I'm pushed back by another right away sending my flying. I land on
my back causing a round or snarls from our pack. Jasper snatches me by the arm yanking me back up just in time because two more rogues go right for me.

It's clear that they are targeting the higher ranked wolves hoping to cause discord and confusion if they were to succeed. A second tactic they aren't attempting to hide is the fact they are jostling the crowd around creating gaps in our defense, but at the same time not trying to get through, only to separate us.

"Stay close. They are trying to break us up." I mind link our pack to tighten our line.

Looking over the sea of rogues I spot Ivan near the back with his arms across his chest touting a smug look as if he isn't cowardly hiding behind an admission of betrayal. He lied over and over again to our face that he had nothing to do with any rogue attack, and even now I'm sure he would look us in the eye and lie as we fight off the rogues that are attack at his command.

"Your right!" I shout at Quentin causing me to get nailed in the side. Hissing out I hold my ground blocking the second punch aimed for my temple this time, which leaves the rogue open. I kick him in the stomach, and he stumbles back falling onto a rogue that Jasper was fighting off.

"Silver!" Whipping back around my eyes lock onto exactly what Quentin was mind linking  everyone about. He holds the rogue by the throat with one hand while clutching the rogues wrist with his other. The scrawny rogue has a shiner sliver knife curled in his hand so tightly his knuckles are turning white. In any other situation I might be able to see why he pulled such a dirty move considering the size difference compared to Quentin, but this isn't a random fight for survival in the woods. Plus if you needed to use a weapon shift and you have your teeth and claws equally as dangerous as deadly.

Dodging a tackle attempt I jump onto the rogues back distracting him long enough for Quentin to snatch the knife out of his hand and slip it into his back pocket. I suck in a sharp breath squeezing my eyes shut for the split second it takes me to end the rogues life. Each snap of the neck is more painful than any physical injury I could endure because this is the shit that'll keep me up at night. Their eyes will stare me down in the darkness of my dreams while my brain crafts a similar twisted fate for those I hold closest to, and yet who am I to complain when each of these rogues I'm sure have loved ones that'll morn their loss just as much as I would my family.

I jump down landing next to Quentin, who takes my wrist in his and spins me around so our backs are pressed together. Not even a split second later I'm fighting off another rogue who's relentlessly trying to swipe my legs out from under me. With my back to Quentin's I can still see Jasper which is a relief because as important as it is to not get distracted I can't help myself from glancing over to him. Shaking my head I zero in on this rogue's vulnerability and attack.

An ache starts blooming in my chest with each passing second, yet I haven't gotten hit there. Tears prickle my eyes blurring my vision before they slide down my cheeks, and a suffocating sense of despair washes over me. Letting out a ragged breathe I kick out nailing a different rogue in the stomach knocking the air out of her.

Rogue Revolution जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें