Chapter 2; The airship docks.

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Rolling over in his bed, Liam blindly reached for his blanket, knowing that it had slipped off him some at time during the night. His hand found nothing, however, and he was about to accept his chilly fate when the world suddenly tilted and he was unceremoniously dumped onto the wooden floor.

Bolting upright, he opened his mouth to protest, the words dying on his lips when he saw Phillip standing over him.

A grim look was on his face and his arms were crossed as if he was daring Liam to complain. 

"Get dressed." his older brother barked, "We're leaving in fifteen minutes."

Liam would have questioned what in the bloody heck he was talking about, when he suddenly remembered his father's punishment dealt out to him yesterday. Muttering darkly to himself, he quickly pulled on a pair of worn britches, a linen tunic, and a brown leather vest over that. On his hands he wore thick leather gloves and on his feet were a pair of sturdy boots given to him from Phillip when he'd outgrown them. Liam then tied his long brown hair back into its usual ponytail. 

Once he was dressed, he raced down the stairs to the main room where Phillip and his father were already heading out the door. Liam rushed after them, noting bitterly that it was still dark out, and began to walk alongside his brother and father.

Already, the city was just starting to stir; rumbling to life like an old monster awakening. And here, while the crowds were still absent from the streets the gears in the factories seemed louder, filling the air with their usual scraping squeal. Besides them, shopkeepers were already beginning to open their doors to the few customers that there were, offering things like sweet tarts and hot drinks to the workers heading to the day's toil.

 And it was at one of these shops that Liam's father bought them all mugs of hot coffee, handing on first to Phillip, then Liam.

"For me?" Liam could feel his eyes grow wide as he took a sip of the dark liquid, feeling it rush over his tongue, hot enough to nearly burn.

 Coffee was a rare treat to him, since it was considered a 'grown up' drink-- despite the fact that he was practically an adult already.

Yet Phillip only smirked, "Of course. You're a man now, aren't you? Besides, it'll ward off a nasty chill."

It did. And Liam found that he was nice and toasty for the rest of the walk. He also found that he felt as though he could bounce off the walls, but he didn't tell his father or brother that.

When they reached the docks, it was still mostly dark and lit only by a few gaslamps. Still, there were people milling about and Liam's father immediately sent the boys to work; sweeping, oiling, and sorting different bits and pieces. 

It was boring, steady work and suffice to say, Liam thoroughly hated it. However, the worst was yet to come and after awhile, the sun rose and they were sent to carry boxes filled with gods-knows-what into a nearby aircraft. 

Now, with the coolness of the night gone completely, the air grew warm and sticky and the sun beat down on their backs till Liam began to sweat straight through his shirt. 

When it was high noon-- and as a result, nearly unbearable-- both Phillip and Liam shed their shirts and continued to carry boxes into the airship in the merciless heat, breathing heavily and with sweat dripping down their skin.

"Blimey." Phillip swore as they sat down for a moment's rest, "Odd for it to be this hot this time of the year. Just our luck, I suppose."

Liam was about to respond when he suddenly heard a series of giggles and looked up to see a group of girls standing not far off, whispering, blushing, and eyeing both him and his brother. It was only then that he remembered they were both shirtless and he felt his face redden awkwardly. "Um, Phillip..."

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