Chapter 20; Dire warnings and brittle secrets.

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Dinner that night was extravagant to say the least; filled with fresh baked bread, several new stews, and plenty of ale for all, it quickly turned into a feast. And, towards the end, when nearly all were drunk and full to bursting, Coin brought forth a tune on his accordion while the men cheered for Liam to lead them in a song.

'Blimey,' he thought ruefully as he belted out the lyrics to an old tavern tune his father had asked him not to sing in the presence of his mother. 'You sing a song once and all of a sudden, you're the ship's bard.'

Yet even if the thought annoyed him slightly, he was having such a jolly time of it that he did not even mind the matter as much as he would have.

The best part of the night by far was when Thorn-- stupidly drunk and red in the face-- stood up during Liam's second song and began to dance on the table while the pirates roared with laughter.

The table, however, was having none of it and promptly dumped Thorn in a sprawling heap on the deck, while the pirates continued to laugh-- Valentine the hardest of them.

Finishing his song, Liam took another swig of ale and sat down beside Thorn, who was only now being hauled up and dumped back into his seat.

"More ale!" he roared, lifting up his empty mug.

"I think you've had enough, you old twit." Valentine slurred, leaning back to prop her boots on the table.

"Nonsense! I'll have as much as I please!" he looked to Liam then, "More ale...blimey, what was you're name again? Henry? Harry? Oh, bugger it all! More ale, boy!"

Taking an empty pitcher, Liam made a rather big show of pouring imaginary ale into Thorn's mug and handing it back to the captain.

"Thank you, lad!" the man bellowed, slamming his mug down on the table with a thump and turning back to Valentine, "Now then... W'as all this I hear about a map? A map to a wondrous treasure, so I've been told." he leaned in then, no doubt meaning to lower his voice, yet only managing to keep it to a quieter shout. "Any chance you'd give me the map to look at? Jus' to see where my niece be heading?"

"I'm not sure if you ask that question because you think I'm bloody stupid, or because you're stupid enough to think I'd ever give the map to you." Valentine said lightly, dangerously tipping back further in her chair.

With a quick movement, Liam came to stand behind her, gently righting her chair before it could topple over, and smiling stupidly when she put her head up against his chest, looking up at him with a drunken grin.

That look, though given to him with eyes that were practically crossed from intoxication, sent a warm shiver running through him and for a moment, he did not want to move.

Sadly, Thorn had a knack for ruining the simple pleasures in life and with a giant clap of his hands that sounded akin to a cannon going off, he brought their attention quickly back to the map.

Valentine tipped her head forward, Liam stepped back, and in a moment, it was all over, that simple connection between them shattered to a thousand pieces.

"Right then," Thorn said, "The map. Might I ask where it be takin' ye?"

"Southern skies."

Liam watched as the man's eyes darkened slightly, his usual easy demeanor plagued as if by a cloud. "Aye, lass. There are many dangers roaming those skies. I've heard talks of dangerous islands, Sky Guards, and hideous machines that'll swallow your ships whole. Ye best not journey there."

"Don't think I haven't realized the danger, uncle. I've been sailing the skies for years now-- I think a few Sky Guard ought not to scare me, by thunder!"

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