Chapter 41; Unsurprisingly, things go wrong again.

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For several days after that, the companions spent their days journeying to and fro from the repairing ship, helping wherever they could and-- in Liam's case-- leaving in a hurry when Sinclair barked at him that he was getting in the way.

Nevertheless, despite the fact that the airship was just days away of being fully fixed, Liam noticed that Valentine seemed ill at ease on the island.

Many times, she'd look over her shoulder as though someone might be following her, and once or twice she even pitched in with the work on the ship, rolling up her sleeves with a determined look on her face as she carried boards and new rigging back and forth with the rest of them.

Eventually, however, despite the awkward conversation they had had not long ago, Liam asked her what exactly it was that she feared.

"If you bloody well think that the metal faced loon is going to keep quiet about the ruckus at the inn, you'd be mistaken. I'll wager the scoundrel is biding his time."

"Do you think he'll send the Sky Guard after us?" Ezra asked from where he had been eves-dropping in on the conversation, much to Liam's annoyance.

Yet Valentine only laughed, "He's a pirate too, make no mistake of that. Were he to try something that stupid, I'd like to think he's be hung on the spot. No, likely he'll send the counsel after me-- though when he'll do it the question."

But despite her worries, another day or two passed without incident, and it was only when Liam, Tophsy, Spyglass, Coin, and Valentine had returned to their rooms at the inn after a hard day's work and were sitting about the table eating dinner that the inn door flew suddenly open and in stormed several well-dressed pirates.

All were armed to the teeth, and each had what appeared to be three of their crew members behind them-- all less well-dressed-- who in turn looked ready to kill.

To his left, Liam heard Valentine swear under her breath and that was when his brain eventually caught up with what was happening and he realized that these must be the members of the Pirate Counsel.

 His next realization was that he ought to run.

Springing from their table, the companions ran to the back of the inn and would have very well been trapped from the lack of an unblocked exit had Margaery not suddenly appeared from seemingly nowhere.

"Blimey, you've gone and done it now." she said as the shouts from the inn grew louder and the pirates made their way toward them.

"Margaery, please," Liam said desperately, the subtle hiss of steel again leather meeting his ears as his friends drew their swords, preparing to fight.

They'd never make it, he was certain of that.

Yet Margaery only smiled slyly, jerking her head toward a small door just behind her, "Thank the gods then that that door doesn't lead to a closet." Then, flinging it open, she ushered them all inside.

"What is this?" Tophsy asked, keeping her sword brandished as if telling Margaery that there would be a price to pay should she lie to them.

Unbothered, the blonde girl simply shrugged and replied in a tone far too light for the circumstances at hand. "You'll find out soon enough, dear." With that, she turned to Liam just as the footsteps on the pursuing pirates sounded not far from them, oncoming with a rapid pace as they searched for the offenders. "Now then, I suppose this is where we say goodbye, isn't it?"

Swallowing hard, Liam nodded, "I suppose so." he hesitated then, before finally barreling on in what he hoped was a dramatic and romantic tone. "We'll see each other again."

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