Chapter 36; Never challenge a drunken captain.

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Whether due to reasons of convenience or simply that they were with Valentine, the companions soon found themselves trailing one after another into a tavern that was crowded near to bursting and far too loud for anyone's taste.

Wrinkling his nose at the stench of unwashed bodies and stale rum, Liam hesitated for only a moment before deftly coming up to the captain's side and saying over the din of the noise. "Are you sure this is a good idea, captain?"

"By heck, Liam, I've been walking these reeking streets for hours-- a girl's got to have a bloody drink."

"Aren't you wanted by the Pirates' Coven?"

"Aye, and so is nearly every other person here. Why, Coin alone is wanted on thirteen counts of petty theft and one charge of assault alone. That's not counting the things the Coven doesn't know about."

Liam did not find that difficult to believe, and for the first time that evening, he was brought to the realization that these were pirates.

No matter how well he thought he knew them, no matter how close they grew, they still were terrible people who had done terrible things and would continue to do terrible things up until they were hanged.

Blimey, even Tophsy had stabbed her former husband on their wedding night... albeit for a good reason. And Valentine... who could say how many she had killed in her lifetime? How many had she hurt? 

And, most importantly, would she hurt someone close to him, even if she had a reason to?

Pushing the thought hurriedly away, Liam glanced about the tavern once more, taking in the sights and subconsciously noting how many exits were in range for one can never really be too careful when the captain has had a drink or two.

Cramped and dismal, the tavern was filled to near bursting of pirates and mercenaries of all kinds; some were dressed in the simple garb of a sailor, while others sported finery of tailored aviator's coats and goggles plated with gold and jewels.

There were automata as well-- their clockwork bodies moving in halting jerks and thrusts as the gears and cogs whirred within their metal skeleton. And while they were completely metal, there were others that were a mix, sporting limbs made of machinery and even a clockwork eye or two.

Walking past a particularly crowded table, Liam caught sight of a man who looked as though half his face had been neatly sliced off, replaced with metal panels that looked akin to half a mask.

The man's companions as well displayed various features of metal and all wore goggles as if it might keep the swirling dust of the tavern from getting into their eyes.

Whatever the case, they unnerved him and it was only a brief moment before he turned his gaze away, with Coin hissing behind him, "Best not to stare unless you'd like to be killed, you idiot."

Keeping his head down, Liam whispered just loud enough to be heard over the din around them, "Who are they?"

"Pirates like you and I, I reckon. They may be part of the Soothsayer's crew-- a nasty lot they are."

"What do they do?"

The thief smirked then, pulling out a chair at the nearest available table that Valentine chose. Upon sitting down just opposite Liam, Tophsy, and Spyglass, he gave them a sly look. "Aye, I could tell you tales about the Soothsayer an' his crew that would make you afraid to fall asleep at night."

Despite Liam's qualms, when he heard Tophsy snort and say, "Give it your best shot then." he quickly nodded in agreement. For never let it be sad that a Bromswell was afraid of stories.

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