Chapter Twenty-Two

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Walking through the precinct, I ignore the questioning gazes. What could I possibly have to discuss with a serial killer who stalked me and planned to take me down with him? The specifics of the case are no longer confidential, despite the potential for a partner still out there. A big arrest like this would be impossible to keep quiet. 

"Phil's through there," Charles greets as he approaches me, nodding through a set of doors that I presume leads to their holding cells. He will be transferred to a more heavy duty facility for the extent of his crimes soon enough, after everyone gets a chance to piss on Phil to mark their territory. The jurisdiction is being decided, and everyone wants a piece of this case. Since he murdered in different countries, as well as different states, who should be in charge? Interpol? FBI? 

The answer doesn't really matter. The important thing is for Phil to believe that I am doing all that I can. Obviously, I won't be lifting a damn finger, but frequent letters to let him know that I am still working on the outside to get him appealed or to find some other evidence to explain away his charges should be sufficient enough to maintain his delusion. 

Charles doesn't follow me through the doors. The arrest is still too fresh and to ensure my safety he knows I need to solidify the trust between Phil myself. 

Jail is not at all like I imagined it would be - not that it usually crossed my mind. Instead of some dark, damp concrete box with bars, florescent lights illuminate everything. The walls are actually painted white, which makes it feel more like an asylum than a jail. Fitting. 

Phil is in the last cell of four. The other's are empty, giving us some privacy. But I know that I need to watch what either of us says - I'm certain there are cameras hidden to keep an eye on their prisoners. 

"Phil..." I start but trail off. 

"Rayne, you're okay." His voice is full of relief at seeing me on the other side of his bars as opposed to one next to him. At that moment, I know without a doubt that he suspects nothing. 

"Under suspicion, but they don't have my DNA at the scene." Lie. "They searched my computer, found more memories uploaded, you know, as opposed to downloaded." I fumble through the update, trying to give the illusion that I am overwhelmed. 

"Well, not sure how we can argue about any of that..." There's an underlying accusation in his tone. Why didn't I delete all of those memories? He doesn't have the balls to ask though. 

"Phil... they say that you were following me since university. They are planning on connecting you to a lot of other murders." I am careful about what I am saying, it would be awful to implicate myself by confessing here.

"It was just to make sure that you were okay..." 

"It's fine, Phil. I just wish I knew sooner, we might have had a different ending. I will find a way to get you out of here - if I just talk to Charles -" 

Phil instantly understands what I am alluding to and shuts me down. "No." He approaches the bars that divide us, a hard look in his eyes. I wait for more, but none seems to be coming. 

"I can clear this up," I whisper. 

"It's not worth it, Rayne. I would much rather you live your life than obsess over this." His words are generic but his stare holds a meaning that only I can see. He's giving me his blessing to let him take the fall for it all. 

"I'm still getting you a lawyer - who knows what they can argue. I won't give up on us though, Phil." I grip my hands against the bars separating us, his hands wrapping around my own. 

"Just be careful," he warns. Whether he means to be more careful with my murders or that I should stop them all together, I can't be sure. 

I simply tell him what he wants to hear. "I will." 

He lets me go, turning his back to me and walking back towards his bed. He doesn't want me to see him like this despite his heroic act of taking the blame for me. If I wasn't a psychopath and didn't manipulate this entire situation, I may sense some kind of gratitude towards him. 

"Thank you," I say to his back. I see some tension leave his shoulders, a slight nod of acknowledgement, but other than that there is nothing to indicate he heard me. 

I leave without another word. What else could I possibly say? I got what I needed. Phil will remain silent and confess to the murders that he had nothing to do with.

"Are you okay?" Charles asks when I come out to the main lobby. 

"Still processing," I respond. He nods in understanding. "Congratulations on solving the case." 

"It's not done yet," he shrugs. What does hell does that mean? 

"You're not going to chase a phantom partner, are you?" I laugh awkwardly. 

"What if he's not a phantom?" 

Well, fuck. There's that determined look to him. I know I can't change his mind. 

"I doubt you will be paid to hunt a possible partner, Charles. The case is closed, you did it." I try anyways.  

"Did I? I'd rather be 100% sure and right now my gut is telling me otherwise. With the success of catching Phil, I know they will allow me to work this case on the side." 

"If another case comes up, anyways." 

"Sure, or I can go over things to see if I missed anything." I nod, not trusting my voice. "I want to make sure that this world is good for our family," he adds. "I have to get back to work, but I will see you later." He kisses my temple, leaving me alone in the lion's den. 

So, this is going to be my life. Marrying a detective who is hell bent on finding me. It would be easy to just stop murdering, to lie low for the rest of my life. I know there is no evidence that will be found to implicate me, and if there are no new murders then I can ensure that I am forever free. 

But if killers could just stop killing, I wouldn't have a job. And I'm not delusional enough to think that my job would help me. 

Even with the baby I know that I won't stop. I would just be lying to myself that becoming a mother would stop the impulses I have.  

This just means that I have to make sure my new victims can in no way be connected to the others. Phil taking the fall will help them with that and being married to a detective will have its perks. I can be a consultant in most homicides, or at least be in the loop with what the police know. 

It appears that we have only completed the first act. Little did I know that we were staring in a five act play. But despite this new development, there are three things that I know for certain.  

1. I will never stop killing. 

2. Charles will never stop hunting his serial killer. 

3. I will never be caught. 

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