Chapter Nineteen

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I enter the office before Phil starts his day. I'm not usually here before him, I normally don't have early appointments. I try to avoid those if I can. Early morning people are they real sociopaths.  

I need to tell him about the case development though. If he is completely blindsided he will know that I set him up. It almost doesn't matter though - once the DNA test comes back matching Phil's, he won't be able to spin anything to take me down with him. He could try, but my claws are in Charles so deep that it won't make a difference. 

For ingenuity though, I will inform Phil of the hairs. It would be a lie if I said that I wasn't curious to see how he will react to the news. 

To my surprise, I see a bouquet of roses sitting outside of the office door, presumably from Charles. I'm not surprised to see flowers, however, I am surprised to see them here already before me. At least this avoids a delivery during the day in which I would have to accept under Phil's watchful eye. 

The roses are beautiful - a mix of red, lavender and peach. It's a unique blend of colours, and I can't tell if Charles picked them randomly or not. Red roses signify the feeling of love, whereas lavender indicates love at first sight, and peach for appreciation. They all make sense given the situation, but did he put that much thought into it? 

Behind the vase of flowers sit a box of chocolates. I smirk at how seriously he took our conversation from last night. Obviously, I assumed he would get me these things to show how sorry he was, but part of me thought it would be in person. 

I open the box of chocolates and eat one despite the early insufferable hour. I know it will take more than caffeine to get me through this day. 

I unlock the office into the reception area, closing the door behind me and entering my own space. I know I pay Phil, but I have no idea what time he actually shows up in the mornings. I haven't really cared as long as he was in before me when I finally arrived. 

I sit behind my desk as I wait for my computer to boot up. I feel anxious, wanting to go on the hunt again already. Without uploading my memory of Madison's death in my computer, I can't even re-watch the events to satisfy my needs. It's a risk I can't afford to take right now.  

After an hour of fidgeting in my office attempting to organize some client files, Phil walks into the office with a big smile. "Good Morning, Rayne!" Of course he is a morning person - that chipper tone grates on my nerves already. 

"Phil, we need to talk." I keep my voice grim, wiping the smile instantly off of his face. I try to hide my smugness as I take his happiness away. Now I don't have to deal with his animated self this morning.  

"No man wants to hear those words." His attempt at a joke, like he knows that it isn't a break up conversation. Because why would I want to break up with him when I have sworn my undying love to him? That conclusion wouldn't even cross his mind. 

"Charles called last night," I begin. 

"About?" Just hearing the detective's name sets him on edge. 

"They found hair in the storage unit," I say, refusing to beat around the bush.  

"Whose?" I see his panic begin to rise. 

"I don't know. He said it wasn't Madison's though - wrong length and colour. But it could be anyone who has visited the storage unit - transfer of DNA or whatever. It doesn't necessarily need to be one of ours." 

"But it could be." He begins pacing the office, running his hands through his hair as if it will compose his feelings. He clearly never thought that this was a possibility - for why would it be? I have killed countless people and left no evidence behind before.  

The Memory Therapist - ONC 2020Where stories live. Discover now