Chapter Twenty-One

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It's only been a few days since I threw Phil under the bus, but I know that the cops will be coming for him soon. Charles isn't telling me what he has found about my memory technician, but he calls to check up on me so much that he might as well be with me 24/7. It can only mean that what he's finding is making him more concerned for my safety. 

And the safety of the baby. 

I appreciate him taking his time building a case against Phil. For this to work, it needs to be a sealed conviction so that there is no way to help him out of it. Because he will ask me for help, and I will have to make it convincing that I am still on his side. 

A text comes through between my appointments from Charles. He knows my schedule now and makes sure not to interrupt any of my sessions. 

It's happening. It's best to act unaware. 

This is it, the end of the investigation. It's finally happening, just like I planned. 

Not even bothering to respond, I place my phone back on my desk as I wait for Charles to come in. This perhaps needs to be my best performance yet - I need to fool Phil into thinking I am shocked and determined to help.

The door to the reception office opens and I hear multiple sets of feet approach the desk. My door is open, as it usually is when I don't have a patient, and I can just see Charles standing at the desk. The face off with Phil he has been looking for - only he has the law to ensure he wins. I'm sure there's at least two other officers that I can't see as backup, considering the brutality of the murders that they are arresting Phil for. 

"Detective Maison," I hear Phil greet with an edge. He thinks that they are here for me. 

"Phil Bryce, we have a warrant for your arrest." 

"What?" he exclaims. 

"You have the right to remain silent -" 

I take a deep breath, putting my engagement ring on my hand before getting up. I have made sure that I have not worn it around Phil and only around Charles. I can only hope that he doesn't notice the ring and lash out. 

"- and refuse to answer any questions -" Charles' voice booms with authority that I am not used to hearing. He's taking pleasure in this. 

I take that as my cue to enter the reception area, demanding, "What's going on here?" I stare accusingly at Charles. 

"Ray -" Phil begins.

"Don't say anything, Phil," I warn. He nods in assent but I can see his eyes searching mine for answers, for some plan that I have concocted in case this scenario happened. 

"Dr. Clowd, Phil is under arrest for the murders of Madison Teavy, Ana Gemicks, and Jacob Connors," he responds before putting his attention back on Phil. "You have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford one, one will be appointed for you -" 

"On what grounds!" I challenge as handcuffs are put on Phil's wrists. "Phil wouldn't do this. You have the wrong man, Detective." My voice drops deadly cold as I glare at Charles. I can only hope that I am hiding the glee in my eyes and that Phil sees this as genuine anger and shock. 

"Evidence doesn't lie. Now please let me finish reading him his rights. But don't go anywhere. I will need to speak to you after," he instructs coldly.  

I force my face to be neutral, no one other than Phil will see the panic in my eyes. "Phil, don't say anything to them. I'll get you a lawyer, we will clear this up." Phil locks eyes with me, a mutual understanding passing between us. Since I am not being arrested, whatever the Detective needs to discuss with me is his only chance at salvation - we both know the evidence. His fate is in my hands, only this time he is aware of that fact. 

The Memory Therapist - ONC 2020Where stories live. Discover now