Chapter Six

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Phil and I enter the restaurant that Charles sent the address to. It's not as fancy as where he took me for dinner last night, but I have a feeling that it's because I brought Phil along this time.

Charles waves us over when he sees us by the door and we weave our way through the crowd waiting to be seated to reach the table he already has reserved for us. Phil and I sit beside each other, while Charles is across.

"Thank you for coming, Phil. I'm hoping your insight will help me make a breakthrough with this case." Charles provides him a stern handshake which Phil returns. I try to keep my face neutral at the sight of these two men sizing each other up.

"Happy to help," Phil replies as he takes a seat, moving his chair slightly closer to me. It doesn't go past the detective.

Another reason I was excited for this lunch was to see these two males try to insert their dominance over the other. Who was going to come out as the Alpha? I was betting on Charles. But it would still be entertaining to watch regardless.

When neither of them offers anything more, I decide that it's up to me to create the small talk while we wait for our waiter. "As I mentioned, Phil is my memory technician. He can answer a lot of the 'how' questions that you have about our business."

"I appreciate it." I notice that Charles' voice is deeper than usual. Probably some man thing to intimidate the other. Phil on the other hand has his chest puffed out. Ah, the primal instincts of man.

Before I can push the situation further, a waiter comes and takes our order. Phil orders the house pho, instructing to make it as spicy as they can. Charles rises to the challenge, ordering a spicy Thai penne (classic Charles).

"No steak?" Charles asks with an amused look, causing Phil to instantly look put off.

"Turkey club is my default for lunch," I explain with a smirk.

Phil clears his throat to force the moment away. "How long have you been on the force?" And let the competition begin.

"Seven years - but I have been a detective for three of them. Youngest officer to be promoted to homicide detective in the city." Point one for Charles. While Phil seethes as his words, I take in this new information. He was definitely not one to underestimate.

"And yourself, Phil? How long have you been a memory technician?" Charles asks.

"Four years. Took some time after graduating to teach." Not as impressive, so I only give half a point to Phil.

"What school was that?" He asks as the waiter brings our food to the table.

Phil waits until the waiter has stalked off before he replies, "same school as Ray - Memory Science Institute of Germany." At this Charles raises his eyes in amazement - but the look is to me instead of Phil.

Two points for getting his impressive credentials into the conversation. I may be biased because I went there, but it was a top tier school for the subject.

"That's quite a prestigious school." He's responding to Phil, but talking to me.

"The best school of this science," Phil interjects. He can lose half a point for stating the obvious.

"Germany is quite ahead of the times," I add, feeling my pride grow. Phil's ego seems inflated at the fact, too. "Treating pre-criminals with this memory technology actually originated there."

"We actually met in school," Phil continues. "Had a few classes together. We lost touch when I stayed in Germany to teach and she came back here to start her practice."

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