Chapter Fifteen

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Madison is still consumed by the memory that I gave her when Phil and I pull her out of the car. People are perfect under the influence of memories - so compliant in what I need them to do to set this up. 

I jerk my chin to indicate to Phil what unit we need to carry her to. Since I brought her out of the apartment, Phil has become a stone. As if he is disconnecting himself from the situation and I am just left with a shell of a man for assistance. No matter - I just need him here to prove a theory, not to be my actual partner. 

We're at a storage facility - the bright orange garage doors almost glowing in the dark night. I rented it under a cover name months ago, sending cash for a whole year. I never expected to use it so soon, but it is serving it's purpose. 

I step away from Madison, leaving Phil to carry her dead weight himself as I approach my unit and enter a combination and then use my key. Besides some random junk that I put in to keep suspicion at bay, the area is empty, giving us lots of space to get the deed done. 

I chose a facility in the run down part of town where crimes happen frequently. I'm starting to wonder if we have any good parts of town where we live. Not many conduct business in a storage unit, so this gives us the privacy we need. Add in the fact that it's the middle of the night, no one should be coming to get anything from their unit unless they are doing something shady. Like us. It ensures that they won't tattle on us though, otherwise they need to come up with some convincing lie as to why they were here. 

Sliding up the garage door, I wave Phil in, watching him duck through the opening I made, dragging Madison along with him. She mumbles incoherently as she passes through, probably responding to something in the memory. It should be wearing off soon - I timed the drive from her place to here and used a similar length of memory. 

It's not fun when they aren't awake for the torture. 

"Get the gag and ropes," I instruct Phil, using my voice for the first time since getting Madison. He obliges, digging around his pack to find the items that I requested. 

I tie the gag around her mouth first. I have learned that human instinct tells people to scream for help before trying to run away and save themselves. Ironic, as everyone wants to be their own hero but instinctively rely on someone else to rescue them. 

Once I have tied the gag, I start tying her hands and feet together. Now she won't be able to run even if she wanted to. She wouldn't get far with the garage door closed - I would be on her in moments in the small space as she tried to open it herself in her foggy state from the memory. But nothing can be left to chance. It's important to plan for all scenarios - screaming, and then running. Makes this less of a hassle. 

"Now?" Phil asks in a shaky voice. It's the first time that he has spoken since I told him about his involvement in Madison's murder tonight. It annoys me to have someone so weak standing next to me. 

As if on cue, Madison's eyes fly open, already in panic mode. She scans her surroundings before her gaze settles on Phil and I. Realization of the situation seems to become clear to her as she struggles against her restraints. I can hear her trying to yell, but the gag suppresses those sounds from alerting anyone. 

I feel myself smile. It must be quite disturbing to see given the situation. I can't help myself though. I live for these moments. "And now, Phil, the fun begins." 


I can tell that Phil isn't appreciating this moment as much as I am. What a waste. I can visibly see him shaking from shock in his white forensic suit. Perhaps not as glamorous as television makes crimes seem, but it's essential so that I leave nothing behind to implicate me as a suspect in any of my murders. 

The Memory Therapist - ONC 2020Where stories live. Discover now