Chapter One

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What a new world I've come to know; it's a replica of our home, forever alone... Flying, I'm a night owl.
Alberto Rosende
(Fragile World)

Chapter One


Life... A flimsy concept.

Before I go into how flimsy this concept really is, I'd love to introduce myself; I'm Colby Willis, and uh... This is my story, I guess? Anyway, where was I? right... Life.

Life is the number one thing everyone wants to take care of, everyone's priority. It was that one thing that scared many people, and still that thing that made the world go round.

I've seen a lot of movies, all thanks to Netflix. Movies taught me everything I needed to know about how life worked, how people lived, and how they talked and interacted.

I know that in life, one should have the three Fs, friends, fun, and family. It was a significant thing I learned from movies. Although I lacked two of those Fs in my life; so... Yeah, this brings me to reality... My life, and also the reason why I didn't believe in whatever I saw in movies.

My life is quite different.

You don't understand? I'll explain.

Not only am I that one very jobless teen boy currently reclined in the most uncomfortable position,  writing this story; I'm also that boy whose life has been a rollercoaster of hospitals, medicines, check-ups, and test runs. My life is-- drama-filled. Each day I see and hear new things, from the hospital patients to the doctors and nurses, down to the eye-rolling, dramatic cleaners.

Although, the only place I ever had the liberty of visiting was the hospital.

My life consisted of two places, the hospital, and my house.

I wasn't complaining or anything. It was just that fantastic prospect. I'm an 18-year-old guy who has never been anywhere in his life but a hospital and his house... That's wonderful, I mean- it makes me feel different, almost remarkable.

And I sure as hell am not complaining.

So, this brings me to the point of this whole concept.

I will never understand why my parents think I need to experience this side of life.

High school.

My mom's white Toyota Corolla LE Eco rolled to a stop before the gigantic school she had talked about all week. Boldly printed in archaic-looking gothic font, the giant letters ICHS seemingly hovered in the air until I realized they were held to the glass wall that made up the front of the school with small metal pegs.

Show it off much?

My eyes left the font at the glass walls to the people at the school grounds.


They were everywhere... talking, laughing, hanging around, and catching up on whatever normal teenagers spoke about. The sound of chattering, murmurs, laughter, and happiness filled the air.

It fazed me, you know. Most of them were kids my age, and they looked delighted, full of life...

Well, they are full of life.

"Colby, we're here." My Mom's voice cut into my thoughts.

When I was about to lose focus, my eyes landed on a particular girl. She looked the happiest. Her coffee brown hair was pulled up in a tight ponytail, leaving a few curly strands around the sides of her face. She wore blue jeans, paired with a green T-shirt. The grin on her face was steadfast as she handed out flyers to everyone she could.

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