Chapter Eleven

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Do I have to tell the story
Of a thousand rainy days since we first met?
It's a big enough umbrella
But it's always me that ends up getting wet
The Police
(Every Little Thing She Does)
_His First July

Chapter Eleven



A concept that blends pretty well with happiness. A means to cheer people up, it can also be explained as the means to enjoy oneself, or to forget about certain situations that are way beyond your control. A concept I know very little about.

I don't do anything to have fun, cause I really didn't have a care in the world about my happiness, or that of someone else, aside from my parents, and the few people I knew before highschool.

But I have to make today special for a certain girl who had managed to build an everlasting home in my mind, always pulling my thoughts back to her.

A crowded path in the park, families littered across the grass, walking side by side, we dodged several bike riders, and joggers before deciding to stick to the side as much as possible. School ended a few minutes ago, and I texted both my parents not to bother coming to pick me up from school. I made up an excuse about being busy with something really important, and said I'd take a bus back home.

Of course they objected to it, in which I used their words against them. I went all puppy eyed emoji, texting "You wanted me to get a life, so why are you trying to stop me from going out?" Long story short, that did the trick and here I am.

"Thanks for this Colby, I really needed the fresh air." She said, smiling up at me.

I shrugged. "It's nothing, sometimes we all need that time away from the stress of school. I've only been here for almost two weeks and I'm beginning to understand why highschool isn't the most appreciated."

She laughed. "It's not all bad you know, the memories from highschool can never be taken by anything." She said.

Well it can... In my case. "You're right. In my opinion, aside from the irrelevant subjects and topics, I believe highschool is what shapes us to become who we are, I mean... We can still do that on our own, but it helps in a way." I said.

She nodded as we slowed down, enjoying the cool evening breeze with the sound of children and pets all around.

"Has ICHS been the only school you've attended?" I found myself asking.

"No, my family moved here during my sophomore year... And since ICHS had a high record of successful graduates, my parents wanted to give it a try, and here I am." She answered.

"How was it like for you? On your first day?"

She thought about it for a second before shrugging her shoulders. "It was weird actually, no one really cared about me being the new student cause they were basically too proud to care, and also, Mandy declared me her best friend in the cafeteria at lunch that same day... Because I made her laugh."

I chuckled. "Really?"

"Yeah... I got to know Dorian and Avery through her, and I met Janice when I was busy campaigning for class President. She helped a lot with my campaign and we became really close friends... It just went from there and we all got along pretty well."

His First JulyWhere stories live. Discover now