Chapter Twenty Nine

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And if I stayed, I couldn't help but lie awake 'cause it's not you, it's just a dream, it's only fake
I just gotta leave, I gotta leave
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Chapter Twenty Nine



The number one thing that builds a person. I'm not saying it's what makes you who you are, I'm saying it's one path that guides you to who you should be. It's the background to every individual, it's like the foundation that determines what kind of person you are, and ultimately what kind of life you're going to live.

My family, well, isn't all that large, and yes, I still look up to my parents and I still learn the little I can from them. But there are times that I stop to think... Family should mean more, I mean the word on its own carries a kind of weight that's meant to mean more.

Not only recently did I realize why I always wanted more from that concept.

It gets to a point where some certain people in your life are just too good to be called friends, they should be classified as family, cause well, they become family because they have all the qualities one gets from family.

I'd always wished to know what having siblings would feel like, I always wondered how they'd look like, would they have my hair, my nose, or would they be even more insightful that I can ever dream to be?

I found my answers in my friends.

They don't have to look like you, or have the same last name as you, they just have to be there for you, accept you for who you are, and make you know that you're worth more than you can ever imagine.

When friends start to become family, you just know.

Family is more than blood... It's the relationship that has had an impact on your life, one way or another. Family is friendship, it's fun... Family is basically everything... And if you lose it, you lose everything.

Today had been extraordinarily amazing, I'd spent it with Dorian, Avery, Janice, Mandy and of course, Dany. Although, I didn't do much but listen to them talk with Dany in my arms.

I remember the time they all found out about my health issues. Avery already suspected something but Mandy and Janice were all over me.

They spent hours trying to convince me to go for the trials but, my mind had been made up, and I couldn't be more content with my decision.

Although, Janice kept on asking why I preferred to call it a birth defect, rather than an illness.

I couldn't tell her the reason cause it just is. To me, it'll always remain a birth defect cause I was born perfectly imperfect. I'm not a sick person, it's just who I am. So all I did was shrug.

I knew they weren't really happy with my decision, but just like family, they respected it, and made sure to occupy their days with me in it.

Dany wouldn't let go of me, she skipped school, just to be with me despite my concerns. I wasn't totally comfortable with that idea, but I still appreciated every single moment I got to spend with her.

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