🄲🄷🄰🄿🅃🄴🅁 3.ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴛʜᴇɪᴠᴇꜱ

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(a/n): yay i finally had the time to update :D


Have you ever wondered where things go after they have been forgotten?

Do they...fade out of existence?


In fact, those things are forever with us.

Have you heard of the rumors of the faeries yet?


'Another day of toilet cleaning...I don't wanna gooo' Yashiro sighed as she stared down at her notebook filled with doodles she drew during class. She glanced to her side and rested her cheeks on her hands.

'He even put a guard on me...I think it's called Hakujoudai...'

She sat up and groaned internally before shifting herself in her seat to make herself comfortable.

All this didn't go unnoticed of course.

(Y/n) glanced at the girl from where she was sitting, twirling her pen around slowly. As she stared at Yashiro, her mind started to wander off into her own dreamland when a sharp voice knocked her out of it.

"Miss (L/n)?"

(Y/n) blinked, and turned around to see that her teacher was staring back at her, a frown on her face. "Mind telling me what's more interesting than my lesson?" (Y/n) deadpanned and she stared back at the teacher, nothing coming out from her mouth. "Fine then. Keep quiet." The teacher turned back to the board and started writing a number of equations on it.

"Answer these questions and prove to me that you were listening."

As the words left the teacher's mouth, her classmates started whispering to each other,

"Hey..i'm pretty sure my brother is learning this...and he's older than me!"

"What? Seriously?? How is this fair to (L/n)-san!"

(Y/n) sighed, before standing up and walking to the board. She stared at the questions before picking up the chalk and started writing down her solutions.

She had seen all these questions before. On Teru's worksheets.

He had given her a small explanation of what the questions were about, seeing her confused expression.

'I guess having a best friend that's older than you has its benefits...'

As the chalk screeched to a stop, her teacher's eyes went wide and she turned to (Y/n), a tight smile on her face. "Well...this is a...surprise..!" (Y/n) smiled back, "It is, isn't it?"

The teacher stared at the girl awkwardly and coughed before turning around, "Well...good job..."

As she started erasing the words on the board, she couldn't help but feel as if someone was staring into her soul. When she was done, she turned back to only see (Y/n) still standing there, waiting patiently for instructions. (Y/n)'s teacher eyed her warily...there was something...off about her at the moment.

She shook her head, pushing the thought out of her head, "You can go back now." (Y/n) hummed in response and turned back around to return to her seat, nodding to the compliments thrown to her as she did so.

While walking back, (Y/n)'s eyes flickered to where Yashiro was sitting and when she realised Yashiro was staring at her, she flashed her a small smile and turned back to her desk. Yashiro gaped at the girl and immediately went red.

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