Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Jason was walking in the hallway going to his next class when he saw Rob talking and standing very closely to his sister, Loraine. The image of Loraine's pale face with dark circles and puffy eyes flashed across his mind when Rob broke her gentle heart months ago. He refused to let that happen again, never again. He took long strides towards them trying to give him a piece of his mind.

"Jay, please. Before you say anything, I know that look. Please, listen to me first. I am giving him a chance. So, it's either with your blessings or behind you. I want to give this another chance, we both wanted this second chance. Please!" She unfolded earning a scowl from Jason.

"Don't take this away from me, please. Let me have this chance. Let me fall over heels for him again. Let me be happy again. Besides, you know Rob more than anyone, it's Rob. Give us a chance." Her sister pleaded with Rob standing beside him showing sincerity in his eyes.

"I just don't want you to get hurt like you did the last time." Jason retorted.

"I'll not hurt her again. I was wrong to leave things they way I did the last time and I'll take care of her this time." Rob said slowly with Loraine pleading with her eyes to Jason.

"Is this what you really want?" Jason stared into Loraine searching for the answer he already knew.

"I will kill you this time if you break her heart again! You better take good care of her, Rob! Best friend or not, I will not tolerate anyone hurting my sister!" He seethed clenching his jaws as he spoke.

"So, I am still you best friend? Gosh I miss you too, bro! And I promise to appreciate and take good care of her." He replied hugging his friend who tried pushing him away from the hug.

"Isn't this the most delightful sight, my brother and my boyfriend reconciled for me." She chuckled wrapping her arms on both of them as they walk towards their classes.

Alison was walking into the girl's bathroom right before she went to class and heard soft sobbing from one of the cubicles.

"Uhm, are you alright, in there?" She asked uncertainly but the sobbing turned quiet.

"Do you need a tissue?" There was no answer. Decided to wait quietly for a few minutes until the person finally opened the cubicle door, revealing Anna with her puffy red eyes.

"Hey, are you alright?" She offered her tissue which she took.

"I'm fine." She replied shortly and Alison did what her instincts pushed her to do. She wrapped her arms around her and gave a consolation hug. Initially, Anna was stunned but eventually broke down again in tears and embraced the hug.

"Hush, I'm here. I'm here for you." She sympathized, caressing her back.

"Why do they have to be so mean?" She finally broke her silence, questioning in between her snivels.

"I honestly don't know either. I still ask that question too." She thought back to her old friend from her previous school.

She walked passed and purposely bumped her on the shoulder making her stumble backwards and eventually fell to the ground. She stood there purposely looking ruefully down at her with an exaggerated shock expression.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Are you alright? Oh, did I bump into you that hard? I knew I was rushing but I was still walking normally, like normal people. I think you're just too thin, even I'm scared that the wind might blow you away in one puff. You do realize that you looked anorexic, don't you? it's quite appalling actually and not at all appealing." She teased.

"I'm not anorexic." She fought back her tears thinking why they would continuously torment her.

"I'm just saying the fact. Why don't you just be more like your friend. She looks normal, while you..." She shrugged and left, forcing her to fill her own mind with the endless negative thoughts about herself.

She wiped her porcelain fair cheek, feeling sorry for herself, feeling so small, so insignificant. How can people be so mean? So heartless?

"I'm sorry that you have to go through this. But please keep in mind that not everyone is like that. I'm not." Not anymore. "I'm here for you. You have me. Don't ever lose hope." She continued as she pulled away and held both her shoulders to look into her blue eyes, affirming her.

"Thank you." She sighed, looking back studying her blue eyes behind that thick glasses for the first time, she found sincere and concern from her eyes.

"They said that... that it's your fault... that they're being mean to me..." She stuttered, unsure if she should have elucidated the matter.

"I... I'm really sorry, Anna. I just... I wanted to be there for you... but... if me being close to you makes them treat you even worst... I... I'm really sorry. I really didn't want that to happen to you." She said averting her gaze feeling like deja vu.

I hate you, Alison! How could you this to me? Why are you doing this to me? Why does it have to happen to me? Why do you have to be... you? It's all your fault! I hate you!

She trembled as her words echoed in her mind. All the remorse, the guilt came crashing back like a hurricane and it was starting to feel difficult to breath. Placing both hands onto her head to help stop the room from spinning. Her heart beats faster, her lungs felt like being crushed, her throat seemed to tightened and before she knew it, she was struggling gasping for air. Her body was shaking, her knees buckled unable to hold onto the weight and fell to the ground before Anna caught her and sat her on the ground, still trying to bring her back to her senses. Confused and shocked, Anna tried to calm her down but Anna's voice was blocked out by her anxiety. Distressed and panicked, Anna left the bathroom desperately looking for help, knowing that she was unable to calm her. She went out of the bathroom looking for anyone who could help but there were almost no students left except for the three students walking casually in the hallway.

"... Lison... Take a... Breathe... I'm here..." She vaguely heard a familiar voice that pulled her out from her moment of trance. Her visions were still blurry but she caught a glimpse of those familiar cinnamon brown eyes looking down at her, his lips were moving but she could not fathom until darkness took over.

Slowly opening her eyes, the bright light blinded her sight forcing her to squint and when she took notice of her surrounding, she found herself lying down on a small bed. Turned to realize that she was in the school clinic.

"You're awake." She turned to the source of the voice and saw Jason and her mother who rushed to the bed.

"What happened?" Her voice hoarse.

"You had a panic attack and fainted. How are you feeling?" Her mother was concerned


"I'll notify the nurse and we'll get you home, alright?" She left the room looking for the nurse, leaving her and Jason.

"Anna couldn't calm you down so she went looking for help. I happened to be walking by and we rushed in. You were shaking terribly... I think you managed to focus on me briefly but then you fainted." He was distraught.

"I thought I heard you... I caught a glimpse of your eyes. Thank you." She said softly recalling how he managed to help ease her anxiety.

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