Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Alison was walking in the hallway when she saw Anna being cornered by the Bratz. They wouldn't stop, will they. Stomping her way towards Anna who was already on the verge of breaking down as Mia seemed to talk her down.

"What are you doing? Just leave her alone!" Alison was aggravated, pulling Anna behind her.

"We were just talking, chill down Al." Mia said friendly.

"You were not just talking or else she wouldn't be holding back her tears right now. What did she ever do to you? Just stop it."

"Oh, she hasn't, has she? Nonetheless it doesn't concern you. We were just talking." She sneered then quickly composed herself showing off her most sincere smile.

"The psycho freak with the junkie do make a good combination." Ivy retorted, gathering a small crowd around them.

"Ivy." Mia said softly trying to stop Ivy from making a scene.

"Your lips keep moving but all I hear is blah blah blah." Alison reposted not wanting to take them seriously anymore since they seemed not to grasp that it was wrong to torment another person.

"I'm sorry, was I supposed to be offended? The only thing offending me is your face." Ivy scowled.

"You are the living proof that evolution can go in reverse. Truly."

"What is going on here?" Mrs. Greene, the vice principal noticed the girls scuffling in the hallway.

"They started it Mrs. Greene. They were clearly bullying Anna here. I'm sure bullying aren't acceptable in any school and they have been such a bully since the beginning." Alison responded.

"Mrs. Greene, I'm sorry if we made a scene here. Alison seemed to misunderstood although I do agree that we should never allow bullying anywhere." Mia said in her sweet voice.

"You and you are going to be in detention. I expect to see you both straight after school today." She pointed to Alison and Mia who were both shocked.

"Mrs. Greene, I'm sorry I can't. I need to teach... work after school. Please."

"No excuse. I will see the both of you after school, unless you want additional detention." She left leaving the two girls.

"You have to make a scene and get us both in trouble." Mia snapped and left.

"Sorry. I got you into detention because of me." Anna said.

"No, it was me. I talked back to her not you. It wasn't your fault, Anna."

"Anyway, why did she made it sound like you did something wrong towards her. Did you?" Alison asked.

"No. At least, not that I intent to. She used to date my brother then they broke up because she cheated on him. She asked for my help to get together with my brother but I told her that I couldn't help her because I felt that she was insincere and that pissed her off. We've not been in good terms ever since." She said softly.

"At least your brother avoided any more trouble. But why isn't he here to defend you from them?"

"He already left to college, he wanted to leave this wretched home anyway, I would if I could. He still visits me though, every time he gets the chance no matter how dreadful it is for him to come home." She replied sadly.

"At least, he got your back, Anna. You're not alone. He's still there for you even though he's far away and while he's away, I'm here for you, too." They continued walking to their class together.

The good girl is going to detention? You surprised me, Ariel. Need company? I can just cause a little trouble.


No! Please don't. It's fine, thanks. You can thank Mia for it. Geezzz....


She went straight to the detention room after school where she saw Mia already sitting with grimace on her face. Pulling out a chair at the back row, keeping her distance from the source of her problem. She took out a book to read, trying to endure the next hour being in the same room with her and accepting the fact that she will miss teaching her kids today because of the girl sitting just a few seats in front of her.

"Hey, red head. What could a girl like you have done to be in this class?" A boy with dark hair nudged her elbow.

"Her." Alison nodded towards Mia.

"Wow. Cat fight with the head of the cheerleader? Too bad I didn't get to see it. Are you new here? Never seen you before." His voice was deep and husky.

"Transferred since beginning of the school year."

"Ah no wonder. What's your name?" He asked.

"Alison. You?"

"Cole." They continued talking about school and other nonsensical things, not realizing that it was already time to go. Turned out she enjoyed talking to Cole who made the detention passed quickly. She walked out of the detention room towards the field looking for Jason who was having football practice.

"Hey badass. Give me a minute to shower then we'll go, alright." He said, his cheeks tinged with red after the practice, his hair slightly damped and his body ripped with muscles, making Alison gulped at the sight. Sexy.

"Yeah." She squeaked like a mouse in the presence of a lion.

"Hey Ally, what are you still doing here?" Shane asked walking towards her from the field.

"Hey, I was from detention, I know, Mia."

"Rebel. You're waiting for Jason?" He asked.

"Yeah, he's ugh... giving me a lift home." She hesitated, they never really talked about what was their status nor do they ever tell the group.

"I noticed he's been spending a lot of time with you now."

"Yeah?" She said sheepishly.

"Yeah. He is... introvert, you know. So, are you guys together or something?"

"I guess so... I don't know." She ranted.

"You seemed like a cool girl, Ally. He does seem more... happier with you. Like the other day when you guys had the sleep over, he kept on asking us to go to your house, I was wondering if he actually wanted me to make up with Layla or he just wanted to see you." He laughed.

"Really?" She tried to hide her smile.

"Talking about me?" Jason asked still walking towards them.

"Conceited much? Right, I'm going to go. See you, bro. See you, Ally."

"Ready to go?" He asked as she nodded giving him a smile.

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