Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

The next morning, Alison crossed the carpark, basically dragging her feet with her head low and her shoulders slumped.

"What's up with you? You looked like your dog just died." Corey commented, she gave him a sharp not-in-the-mood look.

"Damn. If looks could kill, I'd probably be six feet under by now." He added.

"You know I wish I have a dog. I'm the only child, I've no one when my parents aren't home. I think I should get a dog." She mumbled.

"Get a pug! Get a pug! Get a damn pug! I'll even chip in a little. Like a few bucks. Just get the freaking pug!" His face lit up like the Christmas lights as he kept on insisting, shaking her vigorously until she pulled his hands away from her shoulder with an annoyed scowl.

"Yeah like a few bucks could make a difference. Why pug? I was thinking more of a Labrador or a golden retriever. Pug's cute but-"

"Pug are so damn cute! What are you talking about?! With their tiny little head, folded fatty skin and its curly little tail. Get a pug! Get a pug!" He pressed.

"Gosh, you're this big guy with an obsession over a little grumpy looking dog? Aw... cowndowg into cute wittle gwumpy dowg. That's show cute." She pinched his cheek while he scowled shrugging trying to get rid of her hands from his face.

"Thanks. I feel so much better over our little conversation now. Come on, hurry up, slow coach." She pulled him into the school building quickly, baffling him with her sudden change of mood.

During lunch time, Layla, Zoe and Alison were sitting together at their table while the boys were still at the fields practicing for their upcoming game.

"You guys are coming tomorrow for the game, right?" Layla asked opening her lunch box filled with tapas.

"I guess, if you want us to accompany you." Alison replied, secretly wanting to watch because Jason would be playing as well.

"Yeah, sure. By the way, do you guys know Tristan from the basketball team?" Zoe asked eagerly.

"Uhm I guess." "Nope." Layla and Alison responded in unison.

"Yeah so, he's in the basketball team, he's so tall, like almost as tall as Shane, only shorter by a few inches, with this brown curly hair, brown eyes, super cute. We bumped into each other after school right outside the gym the other day and he kind of asked me out." She squealed.

"Wow, that's great Zoe. I think we had a few classes together during sophomore year, he seemed alright." Layla commented.

"Yeah, he is, right? Oh, I can't wait for our date this Saturday!" She shrieked.

The next day, Layla, Zoe and Alison were screaming from their seat supporting their school team who was currently in the lead.

"Run! Go on! Run!" Layla yelled along with the crowd to her boyfriend who was running with the ball evading the opposed team.

"Yes. Yes. Yes! Yes! Yes!" Layla cheered jumping on her seat feeling proud that Shane made a touchdown. The whole crowd roared as the game ended with their school winning. The score was very close, the game was intense and they were glad that Shane made the win for the team. Layla wanted to run to him but the crowd was too packed, she would not able to make her way through. Once they reached the team, Layla ran towards Shane where he lifted her up immediately.

"Great job, babe! You were amazing! That was truly intense and nerve racking! I'm so proud of you." Layla continued to praised him giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"I know, right. Thanks, babe." He returned with another peck on her lips before placing her back down. They were still gathering when Alison turned to look for Jason who was still in the middle of the field standing closely by a familiar cheerleader whom she saw at the basketball game the other day. Curious, she watched them intently, eventually twisting her face sullen as the girl leapt forward and kissed him, right then and there. Surprised that her eyes remained glued to them, with her mouth gaped wide open. Closing her mouth, she tried to digest the scene in her head and turned around, cursing while trying to get away from there.

"Where are you going?" Layla asked noticing how Alison literally stomping her steps.

"Bathroom!" She snapped. Stepping into the bathroom, she washed her red flaring face. How could he! I'm just so stupid! Seriously? Drives you crazy my ass! Ugh!

She had been cursing at herself for who knows how long in the bathroom until she finally felt ready to walk out the door with her head held high, hating Jason with great intensity. When she went out to the parking lot where they agreed to assemble again, she was puzzled not finding any familiar faces.

"Where are you? What! You left? What a friend Lay! Ugh, no I'm not going with him. I just... I'll just get a cab. No. Ugh... I'm hanging up." She scowled but as soon as she turned her back, she was stunned when she saw him already standing behind her, giving her a great shock.

"You're not getting a cab. Come on. They're at the diner already. You'll ride with me." Jason started walking but stopped his step when he noticed that she just stood there.

"Come on, Ariel." He said with a smirk, damn him and his dimple!

"No, I'm not going... with you." She retorted and whispered to herself at the second last words.

"Not going or not going with me?" Jason raised his eyebrow.

"Not going."

"Alright, then at least let me drop you off home. You can walk or I can just carry you to the car, Ariel." She still stood her ground feeling aggravated that he seemed like an innocent boy that had not just kissed a desperate trampy girl in her mini clothes that was just too small for her size. Then, he paced back towards her and took her by surprise when he manhandled her over his shoulder like she was just a sack of grains, with her head facing the great view of his full ass, her rear on his shoulder and her legs hanging, his right arms wrapped around her thigh sending electric current throughout her small frame.

"Wha- are you crazy! Put me down, you crazy... wimp!" She wriggled but to no avail, feeling his shoulder quivered from laughing at her trivial attempt.

"Wimp? Of all the words that you could think of? Wimp? I think I'm the opposite of wimp, Ariel." He opened the car and placed her inside the car, surprisingly gentle making sure she did not bump herself, then walked around and got into the driver's seat. Glancing at her with her lips pouting, he could not help but let out a chuckle.

"You look cute when you're jealous." He teased putting the pieces together realizing that she might have seen the kiss earlier.

"I am not jealous!" She glowered.

"She kissed me but I didn't return the kiss. I told you, you're all I could think of." He added making her blushed. Definitely wasn't expecting that.

"Sweet talking." She looked straight not wanting to look him at him.

"I wouldn't be here leaving her behind and be with you instead if you're wondering. You look cute when you blush." He teased, making her face red as beetroot.

"Stop." She turned towards the window hiding her beaming tinted face.

"Stop making you blush or stop making you smile?" He teased finally starting the car and they drove towards the diner joining their friends.

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