Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Alison was walking to her car in the parking lot when she was suddenly forcefully pulled by someone to the side of a huge car which hid them from anyone's sight. A man's hand was covering her mouth and the other hand gripped both her wrists tightly, her back pressed close to that person's hard chest. She panicked and screamed which only came out as a muffled.

"Shut up, bitch. Don't think that I'd let you off after your stupid action the other night. I don't forgive that easily, doll. You better watch your back!" His hot breath fanned on her cheeks sending shivers down her spine. He roughly lets her go and gave her a warning glare towards her slightly trembling self.

"Tristan!" Cole called out from a distance looking at the two of them. They exchanged threatening glances before Tristan walked away leaving Cole and Alison.

"Hey, are you alright? Sorry about him. He can be an ass sometimes." Cole asked concerned about her as she tried to calm her nerves.

"Stay the hell away from her!" The stern voice made her jump once again. They turned to see Jason storming their way with a look that was ready to kill. Cole quickly hid his startled expression with an annoyed and bored look.

"Who are you to tell me that." He scowled, annoyed.

"She's mine. Stay the hell away from her!" He retorted making her confused at the tension between the two boys.

"See you around, Red." He scoffed and smiled purposely making sure he heard him bid his goodbye which only infuriated him further.

"What happened? Are you alright?" He sounded worried as he held her in his arms.

"I'm fine. He just came to say hi that's all." She lied not wanting him to get upset.

"How'd you know him?"

"From detention class. Why? What was that about?" She asked.

"Nothing. Just... just stay away from him." He stated, his body tensed so she gave his hand a little squeeze which helped him relax a little.

"So, I'm yours?" She inquired trying to suppress her grin.

"Well... Do you want to?" He hesitated placing his hands awkwardly at the back of his neck. He felt fulfilled and content being with her without her even realizing it. Seeing her talking to some other guy, especially Cole, had stirred something within him that he intensely disliked. Was it jealousy? He knew that he wanted her. He needed her.

"Jason's. That sounds... right." She beamed.

"Damn right, you are." He smirked making her want to melt in an instant. He cupped her cheeks with both his hands and leaned in to kiss her lips making her to completely swooned.

The next few days, Alison had been more cautious, worried that Tristan might try to frighten her again. Not telling anyone about what happened at the parking lot, not even Zoe. Not wanting to fret anyone but most of all she does not want to make a big deal out of it. Perhaps if she just stayed away from Tristan, he might let the matter go. On the other hand, Alison suspected that something must have happened between Jason and Cole and wanted to get to the bottom of it by hook or by crook since she had never seen Jason in that state before. Remembering how Layla gave her a questioning look clarified that she knew Cole. Cole still greeted her whenever they passed each other and she likewise.

"Hey Ally? What've you been up to?" Layla greeted placing her bag on the empty chair beside Alison.

"Nothing much. How're you with Shane? You guys looked closer than ever since the talk." She teased elbowing her blushing friend.

"You can say that." Her cheeks tinged with pink blush.

"Anyway, can I ask you something? And please be honest, because I know you know something." Alison decided to ask the question that had been bugging her.

"Okay." She answered uncertainly.

"What happened between Jason and... Cole?" She asked making Layla bulged her eyes that almost popped out of her socket.

"Why? What happened? I mean, why do you ask?" She stuttered.

"Well, Jason told me to stay away from him, only with no other explanation. Furthermore, there's definitely an underlying tension between them. So, please tell me. I know you know something." She pleaded.

"Uhm, I don't know what to say, Al. Yeah, something did happen between them, but it's not really my place to tell you, and please don't push him about it. I guess maybe you should stay away from Cole, you know, since you're with Jason anyway." She responded vaguely which made Alison more curious than ever.

"Why can't you just tell me. Is it that bad?"

"Let's just say, things kind of spiraled downwards and they're not in good terms anymore, to a point where they disliked each other." She elaborated but Alison could not simply push Cole out of her way just because Jason does not like him without giving an exact sufficient reason for her not to be friends with him.

"You ready to go?" Jason asked leaning against the lockers waiting for Alison who was still busy placing and taking books from her locker.

"Yeah. Let's go." She smiled at him, closed the locker and walked toward his car. He dropped her off at the studio where she started to enjoy her work. Madam Moreau had been trying to convince her to audition for the upcoming ballet performance but she profusely refused feeling that she was not ready and the guilt was still weighing her down. She practiced with Madam Moreau after she finished her two classes, with much hesitation and anxiety.

They continued to get dinner and went to the lake which became their routine destination. Sat cuddling into each other's arms but Jason winced as soon as Alison leaned onto his shoulder.

"What? What's wrong? Are you hurt?"

"No, I'm fine. Just sore from football practice." He responded but Alison was not buying his excuse so she pulled his shirt slightly to reveal a dark blue patch on his right shoulder.

"Jason!" She gasped as he looked away guilt plastered on his face.

"This is not fine. And it doesn't look like it's from football practice. What happened? The last time your cheeks was bruised and now this?" She pleaded caressing the blue blotch.

"It's nothing, really. You look cute when you're scrunching you face like that." He teased.

"It's not nothing to me. And don't change the subject. What happened?" She looked into his eyes knowing that there was something he was not telling her and his charming smile does not help evade her concerns, well maybe just a little.

"It's nothing, really. You know how the boys get rough at practice sometimes." He lied.


"Yeah, are you really that worried about me?" He smug.

"No, I don't." She huffed.

"Oh, now you really wounded me, Ariel." He teased holding his chest, feeling gratified to have someone who truly care about him, which was foreign for him.

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