Bakugo's Truth

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Midoriya groaned while reaching for his phone to check the time. 10:30. His head was pounding and he was covered in his own sweat. He looked over at Todoroki and smiled. He pushed a quick peck to his cheek before he jumped out of bed. He grabbed some clothing, walking to the bathroom. He rummaged through the medicine until he found what he was looking for. He popped some headache medicine into his mouth as he turned on the water. His phone rang on the sink. He picked it up wondering who was texting him.

Bakugo- Are you awake?

Midoriya stared at the screen, debating on answering. Was he ready to talk to Bakugo? If you would have asked him yesterday, he would have said no. Last night changed his thoughts. Bakugo admitted he was wrong. He never does that. Midoriya sighed while moving his thumbs to type a reply.

Mordoriya- Yes.

Bakugo- Are you ready to talk?

Midoriya- Are you?

Bakugo- I've been ready.. just waiting on you.

Midoriya shook his head as he set his phone down and hopped into the shower. He was feeling more ready to talk to him again. He honestly wasn't avoiding him because he was scared to fight. He avoided him because he was scared of their friendship being over. Yes, Bakugo treated him like actual trash. Midoriya knew he always had an alternative motive. Bakugo may have a big proud ego, but he isn't a bad person. He just isn't the best at expressing how he really feels.

Midoriya thought back to last night. Bakugo looked upset and pissed off the entire time. It is usually typical for him to be pissed.. but not upset. Midoriya let out a frustrated sigh as he quickly washed his body and hair. He didn't know what to do. For the first time, he was at a loss about his best friend. The worst part was he couldn't even talk to anyone about it. All of their classmates only saw Bakugo treating Midoriya very poorly. They didn't see them as kids. They didn't know that they were practically inseparable. They didn't know about all the promises they had made. Midoriya turned off the water, quickly getting out of the shower. He dried off and got dressed sluggishly. He grabbed his phone to see another text.

Bakugo- Meet me at the house

Bakugo- Please

Midoriya paused for a minute, running every possible outcome through his mind. They can't keep fighting like they have been. They either need to call off their friendship, or make up. Their relationship is only going to cause people around them to get hurt. That was the last thing Midoriya wanted.

Midoriya- I'm on my way.

He quietly left the bathroom and slipped on his shoes, careful not to wake Todoroki. He left a quick note on the dresser explaining that he would be back later. He walked out into the hallway, running into somebody. Literally. He ran smack into Kirishima while he shut the door behind him.

"Sorry!" Both boys said in unison. They looked up at each other with wide eyes. They walked silently together to the elevator. Once inside, Midoriya hit the lobby button. He took a quick glance at Kirishima. He looked guilty as sweat dropped from his head.

"I'm sorry!" Kirishima practically yelled while bowing to Midoriya.

"W-what?" Midoriya questioned.

"I outed you to the entire class yesterday. I had no right to do that. I am sorry." He said while slowly leaning back up.

"Don't worry about it." Midoriya shrugged.

"Y-you're not mad?" Kirishima questioned with surprise.

"Mad? No. I'm a little upset.. but that isn't your fault. Todoroki and I decided not to tell everyone right away. We were going to let you guys figure it out.. we just weren't expecting for someone to blurt it out before other people even had the chance to piece it together." Midoriya said as both boys stepped out of the elevator. They walked through the lobby and out the front door. Midoriya started his little walk with Kirishima next to him.

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