Breaking In Pt 2

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"Why have we been summoned at this hour?" Jiro asked while walking into the room with three other people.

"And why are we being summoned in Tanaka's room?" Kaminari questioned while looking around.

"And what the hell is up with that wall?!" Jiro whisper yelled when she noticed the pictures of every class mate.

"Todoroki, Kirishima, Kaminari, can you guys wait in the hallway?" Midoriya asked kindly. "Jiro, come here." He said sadly. Everyone did what he said. Jiro slowly made he way to the wall, examining the information.

"What is this?" She questioned while finding her own picture. She skimmed the note below, shocked they she knew that much about her.

"How much of that note is true?" Bakugo asked. Jiro looked to the ground, embarrassed.

"We're not here to hurt you." Midoriya reassured while placing a gentle hand on her back.

"All of it." She cried. Tears poured down the girls cheeks.

"It's okay Jiro." Midoriya said while rubbing her back.

"I am self conscious about my music, that is why my album is under a different name." She sniffled. "I don't spy on everyone in the dorms, just Aoyama when he is talking to himself in the mirror, and with his permission." She said as Midoriya pulled her into a tight hug. She hugged him back as she cried on the boys shoulder.

"I didn't help her with Kirishima and Ashido because I didn't think it was right. She tried to play it off like she was doing good, but I knew she wasn't." She said while pulling away from the hug. "I refuse to hurt my friends." She mumbled. She looked back to the list with a heavy sigh.

"I-I used to have a crush on you Bakugo." She mumbled while looking to the ground, feeling completely embarrassed and helpless. "I don't anymore because I have feelings for the idiot." She said with a small laugh. She looked to Bakugo to see a bored expression on his face. She sighed in relief once she realized he didn't care at all.

"Listen Jiro.." Midoriya's voice trailed off. "She is going to hit you next."

"What do you mean?" She asked with confusion.

"You're next on her list. I am going to assume when you refused to help her with Kirishima and pinky, she got mad and decided to take you down next." Bakugo said to her with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"What do I do about it?" She asked as the tears started falling again.

"You go back to bed." Midoriya whispered quietly. "We will definently figure something out." He reassured. "I promise." She nodded her head while she wiped the tears falling down her face. She walked over to the door before opening it slowly.

"Jiro?" Kaminari questioned in concern. "Are you okay?"

"I will be." She said with a forced smile.

"Kirishima, will you walk her back to her room. Pikachu, get in here idiot." Bakugo spat. Kirishima put his arm around Jiro before leading her away. Kaminari stepped into the room in utter confusion.

"What's going on?"

"Shut up and sit down." Bakugo spat. He was livid with Kaminari for a certain thing on his sheet.

"Okay." Kaminari said scaredly while grabbing Tanaka's desk chair.

"We're going to ask you some things, and you aren't going to lie to us. Got it?" Bakugo hissed towards the electric user.

"G-got it." He replied.

"Do you have feelings for ear jack?" Bakugo asked.

"W-what are you talking about?" Kaminari questioned nervously.

"Just answer the damn question." Bakugo said through gritted teeth. Midoriya wanted to calm his boyfriend down, but knew that it would do no good. Bakugo had a way of getting through certain people that Midoriya couldn't. If Midoriya tried to question Kaminari, he would just get laughed at.

"Yes." Kaminari replied while balling his fists into his pajama pants.

"Did you used to steal stuff?" Bakugo hissed.

"How do you know that?" Kaminari questioned.

"Answer the question dammit!" Bakugo said forcefully.

"Yes, when I was 10. I was a stupid kid. That's why I got into a lot of fights too." Kaminari said as tears started to prick the corner's of his eyes.

"Are you about to flunk out of UA?" Midoriya asked kindly.

"How do you guys know this stuff?" Kaminari questioned while the tears fell down his face.

"Deku, leave." Bakugo spat. Midoriya knew he was about to bring up the drugs and he really didn't want to be here for that. He quickly walked through the door, joining the other two outside.

Bakugo gently un-tacked Kaminari's paper from the wall before handing it to him. Kaminari looked it over in shock and confusion.

"How does she know this stuff? I never let her anywhere near my phone or anything!" Kaminari exclaimed as he finished reading the sheet.

"I don't know." Bakugo shrugged. "But what we need to do now is work through it." Bakugo groaned. "What drugs do you do?" He questioned.

"Does it even matter?" Kaminari replied with tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Not really I guess." Bakugo shrugged. "But you need to stop doing them." He spat.

"You don't know how hard that is." He replied with attitude.

"Actually," Bakugo let out a heavy sigh as he ran his hands through his hair. "I do." He continued. Bakugo suddenly became nervous. Since when did he open up to people? Since when did he tell anyone about his past?

"Y-you did drugs?" Kaminari questioned in disbelief.

"Yes." Bakugo spat.

"I quit them, you can too." Bakugo grunted.

"How?" Kaminari said in embarrassment.

"Will power." Bakugo replied. Both boys sat in silence taking in recent events. The air around the room felt heavy and thick. Bakugo hated this. He wished the only thing he had to worry about was the League of Villian's and how he was going to tell the world about him and Midoriya when they finally got destroyed.

"Go to bed idiot." Bakugo groaned. "We will talk more tomorrow." He said while opening the door. Kaminari got up and sulked his way out the door.

"Do you want someone to walk you back bro?" Kirishima asked. Kaminari only shook his head. He wanted to be alone with his thoughts. He wasn't upset that people knew about the things that he had done, he was embarrassed. He was ashamed of what everyone would think if more people found out about it.

"Deku, did you get pictures of everything?" Bakugo asked while picking up the box labeled 'insurance'.

"Yeah." He replied while looking around the room.

"Grab that other box." Bakugo spat towards him. Midoriya did as he said.

"Let's get out of here." Bakugo said to the three boys.

"We're just going to take this stuff?" Kirishima questioned with surprise.

"She won't be back for over a week. We've got time." Bakugo replied while turning off the light. They had no clue what to do with the information they had recieved, or how to stop her. The best they could do was be prepared for when shit hit the fan, which it will.

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