The Date

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"Come on nerd." Bakugo said while pulling Midoriya up from the bed.

"Where we going Kaachan?" Midoriya asked while following him out of the bedroom and into the living room.

"Well.. we have spent the last two weeks by our parents side and haven't had any time for us." Bakugo said while reaching for his shoes. "So we are going to go out."

"On a date?" Midoriya smirked. Bakugo blushed in response. The last two weeks have been amazing, but sucky at the same time. The boys decided not to tell their parents either. They didn't want anyone to know about them at all. It was safer that way. So during the day, they were friends. But when their parents went to bed, they cuddled and kissed all night.

"Put your shoes on." Bakugo said gently to the green haired man. Without realizing it, both boys had changed during the last few weeks. Bakugo has definently softened up, only for Midoriya thought. He grew more patience, and even laughed more. Midoriya became less nervous. He talked without a stutter (most of the time) and wasn't afraid for going after what he wanted. Once both boys had their shoes on, Bakugo led them both outside. Bakugo had been racking his brain all day of where to take him. They weren't going to do dinner. Their moms would be back from their girls trip before then. In the end, Bakugo decided on taking him to the movies. He may have other things on his mind when he chose that, but he hadn't realized it at the time. Both boys walked in silence to the theater.

"Did you see what movies are coming out?" Midoriya asked.

"There's a horror movie, a hero movie and an action movie." Bakugo replied.

"You already know what one I want to see." Midoriya smiled. Bakugo groaned. Of course it would be the hero movie. It would be hard to distract him from that.

"The hero movie?" Bakugo sighed.

"No. Actually, I want to see the horror movie." Midoriya replied with a smirk. Bakugo looked to him in shock.

"Really?" He replied.

"I can't cuddle you in terror if we go to the hero one." Midoriya replied with a small chuckle, causing Bakugo to blush.

"Tch." Bakugo replied while they stepped up to the movie theater. He quickly bought both tickets before returning to his boyfriend.

"Did you want any snacks or drinks?" Bakugo asked Midoriya as they walked inside.

I have the only snack I need. Midoriya thought to himself while biting his lip seductively.

"No." He said slowly.

"Let's go then." Bakugo said while grabbing his hand. What the hell is he doing look at me like that in public? Bakugo asked himself in annoyance. It wasn't like they could make out uninterrupted in the movie theater. "Where do you want to sit nerd?" Bakugo asked. Midoriya grabbed the hem of Bakugo's shirt, twirling it in his fingers.

"Top middle." He replied in a hushed tone. They quickly made their way to the top and took their seats. As soon as they sat down, Midoriya leaned over placing a slow kiss to his cheek before placing another one on his neck. Bakugo moaned quietly.

"You sure you want to start something that neither of us want to finish?" Bakugo asked in a husky voice. Both boys wanted to take things kind of slow. They didn't mind make out sessions, but they weren't ready to go all the way. Midoriya smirked in response before shoving his lips into Bakugo's. Bakugo smiled like a fool in love before cupping Midoriya's face. The kiss was rough and passionate. Midoriya slightly bit Bakugo's bottom lip, earning himself a deep groan from the blonde. Bakugo pulled away, attempting to catch his breath.

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