Kirishima's Heartbreak

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Kirishima stepped off the elevator, ready to apologize to Ashido. He needed to have a calm conversation with her about how he really felt without being an ass.

"Has anyone seen Tanaka yet?" Hagakure asked sadly.

"She is probably still sleeping. I ran into her on the fourth floor around three in the morning. She said she was leaving Akio's room." Shouji said. What was she doing in his room at three in the morning? Kirishima wondered while stepping into the common room. Everyone turned to glare at him before resuming their normal conversations. Why was everyone so mad at him for snapping at her? If it was Bakugo, they wouldn't have cared one bit. Kirishima noticed Todoroki sitting alone on the far side of the couch. He slowly made his way over, joining him in isolation.

"They're shunning me too." Todoroki said with a sigh.

"Don't worry too much about it. They'll come around eventually." Kirishima said as he leaned his head on the back of the couch.

"Eijiro Kirishima!" Ashido shrieked as she entered the common room. The red head jumped up immediately as he looked to his pink friend. When her eyes landed on him, she stormed across the room. As she got closer, he saw her puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks.

"Ashido? Why are you cryi-" Kirishima didn't get to finish his sentence as a loud echo made it's way through the room from Ashido smacking Kirishima's cheek. Gasps were heard all around the room.

"Is that how you really feel?" She asked while tears poured down her face.

"What are you talking about?" Kirishima asked frantically. He had no clue what was going on. He had no clue why he had gotten smacked, or why she was crying.

"The text you sent me you idiot!" She yelled. Kirishima looked to her in confusion.

"What text?" He questioned.

"The one where you said that our friendship felt like a nuisance!" She yelled. "The one where you said that you never really wanted to be my friend! The one where you said you never ever cared about me and you couldn't hold up the act anymore!" She yelled as more tears poured down her face.

"I have no clue what you're talking about!" Kirishima exclaimed while pulling out his phone. He quickly went to their texts and showed her his screen. "I never sent you anything." He said quietly. "Please calm down. Let's talk this out. Please Ash.." He mumbled to her. Ashido stood there for a second before wiping her tears.

"Just because you deleted the text from your phone, doesn't mean that it deleted from mine idiot." Ashido mumbled before turning and walking away.

"Ashido!" Kirishima yelled as she walked away. "Ash!" He yelled while running after her. He ran through the busy room and caught her at the elevator.

"Leave me alone." She spat.

"Please Ash. I promise I didn't send you that text. You know I value your friendship."

"Kirishima, please stop." She choked while trying to hold back tears.

"No Ash. I won't stop. I won't turn around and give up on you! I love you too much to do anything like that!" He exclaimed while tears started to form in his eyes. "Ashido looked to him in schock. She stood there for what felt like hours, just looking into his eyes.

"It's a little late for a love confession, isn't it?" She frowned while stepping onto the elevator.

"Ash.. will you send me a screen shot of that text I apparently sent you?"

"Why?" She asked.

"Because I didn't write it." He said once more.

"Whatever." She mumbled as the doors shut in his face. He turned to walk through the common room when he came face to face with Tanaka. Her brown hair was pulled into a sleek ponytail while her face wore a big grin. Kirishima walked next to her.

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