Whatever it is we're doing

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"Hey, where have you been?" Todoroki asked as Midoriya shut the door behind him. "Are you okay? Were you crying?" Todoroki asked while rushing over to him.

"I-I-" Midoriya couldn't find the words to say as he just threw himself into Todoroki. Todoroki was confused, but didn't hesitate to embrace the green haired man.

"Did you want to do something today?" Todoroki asked. Midoriya only nodded in response. He needed to get Bakugo out of his head.

"Do you want to do something with the whole class?" Todoroki asked while slipping his shoes on.

"No!" Midoriya practically yelled, which shocked both boys. "I want to be with you." He said while looking towards the ground.

"Well, let's go get some lunch then." Todoroki said while grabbing Midoriya's hand. Midoriya nodded is response as they walked out the door hand in hand.

"So, that wasn't a dream!" Ashido exclaimed while Todoroki and Midoriya step into the hallways. Both boys blushed while looking at the ground.

"Don't worry." Tsu smiled. "We're all happy for you, ribbit." This made Todoroki smile. Midoriya on the other hand, had a million other things going through his mind.

"Where you guys heading?" Momo asked as the big group stepped into the elevator.

"On a little lunch date." Todoroki smirked while squeezing Midoriya's hand. Midoriya looked up in panic. When did we get in the elevator? He asked himself. He looked at Todoroki with a small smile.

"Where we going?" Midoriya asked with a smile, trying to push his worries aside.

"The restaurant on the pier." Todoroki smiled.

"The one over looking the beach?" He asked jumping up and down with excitement. Todoroki only smiled at the cute guy next to him. Once the elevator stopped on the ground floor, everyone piled out. The rest of the class, including Bakugo was waiting in the lobby for the girls.

"Hey lovers!" Kaminari said to Todoroki and Midoriya. "Joining us today?" He asked while waving.

"Not today." Todoroki said while smirking at Midoriya.

"What are you guys doing today anyway?" Midoriya asked, only half there.

"We are going to the pier." Kirishima smiled while fist bumping the air. Todoroki only groaned at his response.

"I can't wait to go shopping!" Momo squealed with the rest of the girls.

"I can't wait to go to the arcade!" Kirishima yelled. Midoriya glanced over at Bakugo, who was staring back. Their eyes connected. Neither of their eyes held anger for one another anymore. They were filled with sadness, regret and longing.

"I guess we can all walk together." Todoroki sighed.

"Is that where you guys were going too?" Sero asked.

"Y-yea." Midoriya replied. The group began piling outside into the warm summer air. Everyone walking in pairs of two down the side walk. Midoriya and Todoroki were almost last. The only people behind them were Kirishima and Bakugo. Midoriya could feel Bakugo's eyes on him. He could tell he was staring. He tried his best to get him out of his head while laughing at something Todoroki had said.

"Tch." Bakugo looked away from the duo in front of him. His eyes were quickly drawn back to the green haired man in front of him. I could never make him laugh like that. Bakugo frowned to himself.

Once the group made it to their destination, they all split off into smaller groups. Todoroki instantly pulled Midoriya away from everyone else and towards the restaurant. They quickly walked up the three flights of stairs and to the hostess desk.

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