Dragon the taking

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Every since a dragon lord took the princess the kingdom had started giving people lockets to wear if they went black it meant a dragon was near. Your family had bought you since you were going to marry the butchers son soon it had been arranged since you guys were little but you hated him he was very abusive and nasty to woman since you Were only the girl out of 9 siblings it was your job to be married off. Sometimes you hoped for a different life instead the one you Were given.

As you walked through the village going to collect vegetables for dinner tonight you heard screams when you looked down your necklace had turned black a dragon was near as you ran you Felt your self lifted into the air.

As you looked up you saw a dragon had picked you and was taking you back to his cave.As you saw a mountain he flew into a tiny gap and landed on his feet.

He put you down on a nest and smiled at you like he did no wrong. As you Looked down you saw that you
Were in a big nest which could fit about 50 People in.  He sat down next you and smiled.

"What's your name" he asked trying to get To know you.

"Y/n"you told him looking down at your locket as it was still black.

"Welcome to your New home mate" he kissed you I shocked you didn't move. He was confused to why you didn't kiss him back

"I knew you Didn't want to marry that butchers Son he was an arsehole." He said looking in your eyes knowing you didn't. He wasn't back looking the dragon he had red hair like most dragon men he had yellow eyes and massive black horns and claws.

"It's mating season for us I have chosen you to bare my offspring" he told you telling you the truth.

You looked shocked at this. Why would he pick you.
Then you thought about it you always preyed for somebody to take you away from your life maybe god had listen to you and this was your future.

"I will bare your offspring" you smiled at him he laughed kissing you and surprisingly you kissed him back falling back onto the nest floor.

"I will bare your offspring" you smiled at him he laughed kissing you and surprisingly you kissed him back falling back onto the nest floor

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