Xenomorph king

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Requested by (TheCJCLDSSorcess)

As you were playing in the woods with your dolly you heard hissing in one of the bushes you slowly walked over to see what it was as this little cute thing. jumped out hissing at you it stopped when you petted it on the head and gave it your dolly. As you picked it up you bring it open but when you open the door it ran out of your arms back into the forest and you started to cry.

"What's wrong hunny bun" you heard your mothers voice.

"Years later"

As you woke up you remembered the little creature but you didn't ever tell your team about it and probably never would.  It now you had to find a king xenomorph king which was different for a lot of people since xenomorph only had queens but this time it was different since your colonel had gone missing you had all set out to kill the beast and stopped it from reproducing. As you were all in the woods waiting for the monster to strike you heard hissing the same noise as when you were a little girl but it was so much deeper now.

As you turned as one of the men had been lifted into the air and eaten alive you all started shooting but as you looked all your team was dead great you thought as the xenomorph stopped confused as you. He

embraced you wait why...no it couldn't be...the same xenomorph when you were a girl he remembered you. As you carried into a nest of some sort you saw another one of the xenomorph as he was about to attack the king hissed as he bowed to him.

"Hello" the voice wait he came talk.....

"How is this possible" you asked very confused.

"Many humans did experiments on me when a was younger which made me that way I am I can even talk like a human can buy unfortunately my son can't but you gave me freedom and made me the way I am you were shocked so the young xenomorph was his son.

"What are you going to do to me" you asked  scared now.

"Every king needs a queen my son is of my own race but didn't get the half human gene which only a human woman can give me I need to make my clan strong so we can wage war on the humans that wronged are kind and put me in that cell." He told you smirking as he said this

You submitted to him since you had no chance of getting out alive in the situation....

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