The cult part 2

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2 years later

As you were married to Zachariah the leader of the cult he was a nice man but you could tell he was a evil he made you his wife nobody hardly went near you incase he killed them.

It had been 2 years he you lived in a cabin with Zachariah and hated ever minute of it but you knew you couldn't get out of here holding your stomach you were already near 10 months along with his child which he hoped for a son.

As a week dragged on your baby was near here and you couldn't be anymore stressed as zachariah had already slaughtered a young man in your child's name you wished you weren't here but life was kicking you up the ass.

You Did meet one girl her name was danni she was married to Zachariah's cousin who had only just gotten married to dannie she was like you so scared but she knew you couldn't leave your babies father it was still his child even if you hated him.

Woman were treated as sex slaves for men And only cooked and clean and provided the men with more children. As Zachariah was 29 as you were only 18 he had waited along time for the perfect wife he had called it but many of the woman here were certainly inbred a lot of them were brothers or sisters and had children together since Zacharias I didn't have a sister he married you instead which made your skin crawl thinking about it.

As it was early morning you had already done Zacharias breakfast and Coffee as he came down the stairs he saw you and came walking over to you and gave you a sloppy kiss on the cheek.

"How is my Little" you hated him saying that like it was just his child.

"Fine"'you replied not wanting to anger him. As you bent over you felt something go down your leg as you looked so did Zachariah as he ran out to get the woman as your water had broke as Dannie ran in and helped you onto the couch some other older woman came in with towels and water.

(3 hours later)

The longest 3 hours of your life but nothing could believe here you were holding your twin boys in your arms. As your husband walked in he smiled seeing 2 and straight away asked what gender.

As the woman told her he smirked telling them to leave you and him alone as they all nodded and walked out he came over stroking both boys faces as he grabbed hold of the biggest he smiled holding him.

"William I like that" he told you as he held your oldest you nodded agreeing with the name but hated it really.

"Jace" you picked out your youngest sons name as he cried hungry for food.

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