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Mallam Aminu Kano International Airport.

Falak shrieked and ran to her mother who enclosed her in a bear hug, sheathing her from the nefarious. She missed her daughter immensely and looks like she has grown up just in a year. Her eyes became moist as her daughter squeezed her more into the hug as though she wants to go back into her stomach or something like that. She already told her that she missed her but didn't expect this hug.

"I missed you so much, your Royal Majesty." Falak teased, moving back so she could look at the Royal family that are getting too much attention because of the guards around the place, so redundant.

"I missed you too, my Lady." Her mother teased back, clearing her tears and turning to look at her stepchildren that are also looking at her with awe, like she is a new different person.

"She didn't miss her grumpy pilot." She heard Suwaid's voice from behind Asad who is gaping at her with his mouth slightly opened, just being his melodramatic self.

"I do miss you more than anyone." She beamed, her teeth showing on display like she is advertising toothpaste.

One thing they all noticed is that, she is more beautiful, ethereal, than before. If not for her smile, eyes and mouth, they would say she was reinvented person. She looks a little more mature than the other Falak and she aged exactly like herself. An eighteen year old lady who just left teenage manners and is now an adult, they are totally shipping her with Shaddad.

"Bambi!" Jaiyana and Jabrayah move forward and squeezed her into another hug, enshrining her to their bosoms. She laughed in glee and return their hug, the girls are so much happy and she could feel their happiness rolling in her.

"I missed you, girls." She cried, moving away and giving them a look to see whether they grew up or not and they did. Jabrayah is slightly taller than her while Jaiyana is more thinner but more plump in the chest and hips

Madeeha is standing next to Humaid who couldn't remove the smile from his face and his wife is just looking extremely bored, almost derisive but she will smile when she meets someone's eyes.

It's not like she hates Falak but she started acting cold towards her after they got married and that didn't sit well with Madeeha. Falak doesn't even have Royal blood but she has the right to give her cold shoulders? No, she won't let her disrespect her like that, she is the one who will give birth to a Prince and not her.

The little reunion ended and they all moved to the cars parked outside and piled in one after the other but the Royal brothers didn't let her. They pushed her into a Sienna because they want to start catching up now. Harith, Humaid, and Asad are in the Sienna with Jaiyana and Jabrayah. They chatted away heartily and stopped for ice cream because she said she missed the one in Kano.

Everybody dismounted out of the cars and followed her mother into the palace, nothing has changed except for the new guards and maids. Some bowed while some kneel, well, that is something new also maybe they changed the rule.

She thrusts down the hallways and stopped in her room with her mother, Jaiyana and Jabrayah. The two girls glued to her and say they won't leave her till they are satisfied with seeing her beautiful self.

"It's good to have you home, I'll send your lunch but you are coming to the dining room for dinner." With that, her mother left the triad to discuss whatever it is they wanted to. It looks like the Waziri's children are impatient to fill her daughter with lots of gist.

"How is it possible that you become more beautiful?" Jabrayah whined, making herself comfortable on the fresh made bed while looking dreamily at Falak who only smiled at the girls, they've been saying that since she arrived but she doesn't feel any change.

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