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Kano State, Nigeria.

Falak woke up around six in the morning and they only went back to sleep at five after they prayed Fajr. She don't get why she hardly gets any sleep in the morning and will always be waiting for seven before she stands up to go and take bath then get dressed. After that, she will go and make breakfast. They leave for the hospital after that morning routine everyday. She gets bored now and needs a new adventure but nothing comes to her head everyday.

An idea popped to her head so she stood up and sprang into action. She went to their vanity table and removed an eyeliner, mascara, blood red lipstick and kohl. Fixating her eyes on the expensive brands in her hand, she released a wicked grin at them before moving with determination and ardent desire lurking from every pore in her body. That is a huge step for her but she will do that anyways. She was bored and woke up early so what better way than quench that boredom on her husband.

She settled down on the bed and propped on her knees then move closer to Shaddad's sleeping form. He is not really a heavy sleeper but he was so tired the night before after going through three surgeries so he might be tired and won't wake up just by something touching his face. She removed the lid of the eyeliner then traced it atop his eyes just before his eyelashes. She made a straight line then changed her decision and made a cat eyes with long wings that almost reached his brow.

Going down to his lashes, she removed the mascara's lid and started combing his already long lashes but as she combs it, it gets longer, thicker and darker. She grinned because the mascara is waterproof and even after a bath, he'd still look like a girl and there is nothing more entertaining than seeing Shaddad looking girly in the hospital. She finds it hard holding in her laughter because it is really rumbling and her stomach is tightening too much to the point of aching.

Seeing the blood red lipstick in her hand, she removed it's lid too and started lining his lips. Oh no, she couldn't hold back her laughter after that. She laughed so hard then immediately lock her mouth with her left hand so he won't wake up and he didn't even stir so she adjusted the lipstick and make it look beautiful like a woman's lips. Having a plump lips makes him look even more beautiful than she thought but looking beautiful make her jealous so she smeared some across his cheeks and forehead then his jaw.

Happy with her handiwork, she removed her phone from underneath the her pillow and took countless pictures of him with the makeup. She gently placed her phone back and started her trip to the bathroom, walking drunkenly due to the laughs she is erupting from her closed mouth. She took a quick bath and walked out not wanting to miss the chance of telling Shaddad to look at the mirror so she could laugh to her heart's content.

Seeing that he hasn't woken up, she quickly went to the closet and changed into a black and white striped palazzo and white button up shirt then tucked it in. She didn't tie her hair just so she could run back to the room and see what Shaddad will do after seeing his face. She ran back to their room and find him stirring on the bed looking happy and content with the sleep he just had. He was wide awake when she laughed at him because all in all, he looks hilarious beyond words.

He looks so confused seeing her laughing by the door to the closet but stood up and said silent prayer. His wife is crazy and he shouldn't think hard when she does something crazy so he kept quite and started to make his way to the bathroom only to be stopped when Falak shook her head in a No. She didn't let him leave and continue laughing so she took deep breaths and stopped laughing but couldn't and kept laughing for a good minute before she stopped again.

"Please take a look at yourself in the mirror before going to the bathroom." She said in between hard breathes due to lack of oxygen.

Shaddad narrowed his eyes and made his way to the vanity table where the huge mirror is sitting on. He didn't want to look at the mirror knowing whatever it is that Falak is talking about won't be good then again, his fastidious side is overpowering his mind so he raised his head and look into the mirror only for his heart to drop to his stomach so as his mouth wanting to badly say it is only a nightmare and he is not the same person staring at the mirror.

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